Tree of Savior Forum

Questions about psychokino

Hi guys!

After playing around with linker in in the closed beta, I want to try out the Psychokino class. The skills look fun and super interesting, so I’m considering to go all the way up to psychokino C3. I have a few questions though:

  1. Because teleport moves you around the map randomly, it doesn’t seem very efficient to max out and it seems to be more of a ‘one point wonder’ for escaping, is the distance at level 1 enough, or should I level it a bit further?

  2. Is there any point to putting more points in swap (is there any purpose for swapping with more than one target?)

  3. How good are the spells telekinesis and magnetic force in terms of damage? Is psychic pressure the only worthwhile damage spell?

  4. How are the C3 spells? In what situation would you use Raise?

  5. Which classes go well with psycho C3? Cryomancer seems really good because of ice wall. Anything else?

I’m mostly going for psycho c3 because it seems ‘fun’: I’m not really looking for the ‘best’ build or anything, but I do want to have a build that makes at least a bit of sense :).

Thank you so much in advance!!

Good idea ! I played pyrokino2-sorc-alche during iCBT2 and it was really enjoyable :slight_smile:

  1. Your call. I liked using it in order to TP over obstacles… But I’m not really sure how it works… And I read somewhere that you can now choose the direction of your TP…

  2. Didn’t use swap that much… It’s a very situational skill and it has a very limited range.

  3. TK is good but takes time to execute and can be resisted :frowning: Note that it does AoE damage if you make your TK collide with packs of mobs.
    I liked using Magnetic Force over my Flame Ground, but I wouldn’t call it a “must have” skill. It seems they changed it a little in kTOS.

  4. Can’t tell you, I didn’t go over C2.

  5. Cryomancer for Ice Wall combo, Pyromancer for Fire Ball combo (I like this one better cause it will work well with only one pyro circle), Sorcerer/Alchemist for SP recovery, Wizard C3 for Quick Cast attribute, maybe Thaumaturge…

Here’s what I’m roughly planning :


I finally found someone like me! I also go for what i think is fun/cool rather than power. I played as a Cryo-Psychokino on both betas and can, at least, tell you this:

1 - I spent only one point on Teleport. Since it’s completely random i used it as a panic escape route, like, if i make a bad move and realize that there’s no time to walk out of danger, i just press the button and hope for the best. Saved my ass sometimes, but it’s a total gamble, you might end up next to where you are and get hit anyways.

2 - Although i’ve never leveled it past 1, it can be useful if you want to move more targets around and get to safety, might be useful on PvP as well. It’s your call. I use it to set up the Ice Prison combo on bosses and that’s it.

3 - I can’t really tell, i only got Telekinesis to level 2, didn’t have much time to play on the betas so couldn’t level up much. Only got to Lv.63 i guess.

4 - Never got to C3. Raise doesn’t do damage but, if i’m not mistaken, monsters under it’s effect cannot attack and are perceived as Flying-Types. So skills that have bonus against flying-types do more damage and if you need a breather, you can just lift everybody up, be safe and get a few seconds ahead on your cooldowns.

5 - Cryomancer was my choice, C1 only.

This is my build:

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Nice to see more psycho-enthousiasts :smiley:

I liked cryomancer in CBT, so I think I’ll start off there again. It seems best to keep both swap and teleport at level 1 for utility then. Other than that I will just experiment with the C3 spells, which is one of my favourite parts of any MMO :slight_smile:

Thanks for your help!

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  • Teleport can be controlled using the arrow keys. Try running towards the direction you want to go to.

  • As someone who played a Pyro/Psychokino, I often found myself wanting to swap multiple enemies into my Fireballs or Flame Ground. Swap’s range may be a bit small, but you definitely can grab multiple enemies with it. I’d say Lv 5 is decent in most situations.

  • Telekinesis is great single target damage. If you get lucky, you can make the enemy you’re holding collide into another one. Magnetic Force is more for the CC effect.

  • Raise is another great CC skill to have. It was my panic button back in kCBT3. Gravity Pole was buffed so that it now deals damage. It feels like you’re using another Psychic Pressure now.

  • Pyromancer might be another choice to consider when pairing with Psychokino.


Hey guys, I’m considering going Psychokino into Featherfoot. I haven’t played any of classes below on CBT so I don’t really know much about them.
So basically it’s Wiz1>???>Psycho1>Psycho2>Psycho3>???>Featherfoot

I was thinking about Cryo too. What can you say about Cryo2 shield, is it useful or meh, because another choice is Cryo1+Linker1 for some CC and AOE.

And another class-build depends on this question: are all Psycho channeling skills interruptable by dmg? So is Wiz2 for Surespell a good idea (for PvP too) or even Wiz3 - but I really want to have Wiz2-Linker1 :<

Thank you in advance for your opinions!

Well, as far as i know, since Gravity Pole does damage, the best combo would be GravityPole (Psycho c3) + Ice Wall (level 5 seems enough so, sticking at cry 1 should be ok). It does more damage than the traditionnal PP+Icewall, with some very good CC and a precise hit rate in theory.
Stopping at wizz2 seems kinda poor, the buff from wiz3 is really OP if you time it well, and wiz2 doesn’t bring that much. Even considering Linker’s skil kit, loosing the 50%magic damage from wiz3 isn’t possible !
As psycho+Cryo you shouldn’t have trouble with interruptable spells, you’ve got far enough CC to be safe :slight_smile:
Never tried Cryo2, cannot help you about that ! But i’d say wiz 3 + Psycho 3 for burst damage (it might be the best scaling for your feather foot) / Wiz + Cryo 2 + Psycho 3 (High CC + Very good sustained damage with wall). Linker doesn’t synergize that much with psychokino since the nerf :confused:

Perfect! That’s very valuable information (: Admittedly I really do like pyromancer, but I might like to pvp from time to time and freezing just seems like incredibly potent CC… I’ll think about it. Thanks!

How does the damage in PP+IW / PP+FB work?

What I mean is, say I’m doing PP on Fireball, which is better and why:

  1. Fire Ball Lv10 + PP Lv5
  2. Fire Ball Lv5 + PP Lv10

I’d guess that damage from IW and FB is based on your matk, but allows for more hits(–>shards) with higher levels, but does PP Level affect the damage too somehow? Or is it just so you can hold PP longer or something?

I’m thinking of combining all 3 of these classes into one build, so I don’t want to take too many circles in one if they were better spent in one of the other 2 classes.

The plan I have right now is just taking each of them to C2 (not sure about the order though).
-Cryo2 in order to get enough Ice Wall that I can make Ice-prisons (a square of 8), while disregarding Cryo3 because Kino has enough CC anyway
-Pyro2 because the dmg output of FireBall and FlameField is simply way too superior to leaving it at Pyro1
-Kino2 for Magnetic Force as CC and stronger PP, but that depends on the above question of course

I’d really want to take Kino to C3 to make it the actual focus of the character, but I don’t see what I would take out for that unless I even sacrificed R8 for it lol.

(but then again…I also wanted to make a Kino3-Necro, ugh I need 20 character slots -___-)

I think you’d be winning dps if you go Pyro 2. I’m not sure about that but i think fire pillar does hit the air-ennemies, and there would be a huge synergie with Raise. Basicly you’d just gather them with Magnetic Force, then Raise, then Fire Pillar, then place you’re Fire ball + Flame ground and hold them with Gravity pole in straight line. You’re Fire ball would cross them all, consuming all it’s hit-limit, dealing a huge burst.
I’m afraid the Ice Wall + Fire Ball combo with PP is unprecise, shards just go in any direction, you’d loose all your damage potential when they go in random direction :smiley:
Leveling PP upgrades number of target + base damage. While Fire ball upgrades number of hit + base damage.
Base damage doesn’t scale that much for wizard. And level 5 PP hits 9 target, it’s decent enough, i’d say go for the 10hits of the level 10 fireball if you plan to work a lot with the PP+FB.

IW wins over FB for the simple fact that PP moves the FB away and waste potential with it, also IW is directional (aimed by you) while the FB fire in 360…

EDIT: I would go for FB 5 + PP 10, it will prob help out more with stun attribute by stunning enemies that bypas the FB hit and get close enough to you

I would go for

wiz 3 - psycho 3 - featherfoot


wiz 3 - linker 2 - psycho - featherfoot

wizard c2 is not worth it EVER. And wiz 3 is becoming a must for DPS scaling wizard builds. Besides increasing the 50% with atribute, it makes multi hits spells tick more often (e.g frost cloud, blood bath, PP , etc)

I was going to put Fireballs behind IceWalls so they can’t run away and then PP them 8DDDDDD

I posted a video of someone with that build not long ago…

if you think you can make it work, go ahead and give it a try :slight_smile:

The only thing I’m uncertain about is if PP has any interaction with Flame Wall- It seems as though it should, but if it’s anything like Fireball, it’ll just be pushed and just wonky to utilize. Psycho itself has great synergy with Cryo and Pyromancer, it just takes a little creative planning.

I was planning on going Wiz C1 > Pyro C2 > Psycho C3 > Something

That something could be anything, looking into Rune Caster because I would want to test and see if Rune of Destruction could make mobs who are already CCed, as well as a little bit of protection ontop of the CC. The goal of this build is that I want to be a semi-active DPS who has a fair amount of CC in kit ready.

Thanks Zultark and leowow, yeah it seems really worth going Wiz3, I wasn’t sure about faster ticks but now it’s even more appealing to me

I believe kino 3 should be used with Wiz 3, not with cryo or pyro, people seem to like complicated flawed combos though. (FB can be moved, IW can be broken)