Tree of Savior Forum

Questions about Psychokino skills

Hi, even though I’m a long time player, Psychokino is a class I never really cared about. But after the wizard rebalance, it looks pretty good.
However, I have plenty of questions in regard to how the class works.

1 - In the Fireball+Psychic pressure interaction, does the firework damage scale with Fireball skill level? Does buying the Fireball enhance attribute increase the damage? (Also, does Agny necklace increase fireworks damage?)
2 - The new Heavy Gravity skill really makes enemies be ground-type? I remember Cannoneer’s Shootdown not really making monsters be ground-type(Broom Trap ignored mobs hit by shootdown, triple hit attribute for Cannon Shot didn’t proc too). My idea is to make enemies be ground type using Heavy Gravity so that I can do more damage with shadowmancer skills.
3 - Teleportation skill lvl1 has the same range as Blink lvl1?
4 - Can monsters resist being pulled by Magnetic Force?
5 - If you have high level Swap, multiple monsters get swapped to your location?

Thanks in advance.

1 Yes scale with fireball skill Lv. Agny increase damage.
2 Yes it is true change. Shadowmancer2 attribute will work, even on boss. Cannoneer shootdown is not change to ground, is just a debuff for cannon shot.
3 No, a bit shorter.
4 Yes.
5 Yes, if they fit into swap small AoE size.

Thank you very much for the help! I’ll definetely make a psychokino then, probably pyro3-psycho2-runecaster-shadow2.

Much better if you go psycho3 than pyro3. It has better crowd control.

Stationary mobs such as HG340 Rafflesia plants sometimes resist. And the big goat Hohen at Hunting Grounds 340 will resist. This mob is immune to most CC effects. Boss cannot be pulled by magnetic force. Sometimes elites & big mobs resist. All other mobs will be pulled. Magnetic force animation will ‘CC’ mob during its duration too. At PvP, player cannot resist the pull.

is funny seen the other side of my coin as my first build was a Psycho in both beta and now :blush:

Swap would be great if the aoe increased with the skill level…

I could have teached you some tricks for the class like how teleport works and such, but its been so long since I last played and with the new changes, who knows what lies I would be telling you :confounded:

I think I read somewhere fireball+psych pressure only hits ground mobs? IF this is true then pyro and psycho has such great synergy with the intro of heavy gravity.

Fireball hits flying and psychic pressure hits flying. It would be illogical if their synergy becomes a ground-only skill.

Also, the old combo hits flying.

The firework combo is indeed ground tipe. Need Heavy Gravity to work on flying mobs

Waaaat? But why? It’s just a filler skill combo yet it’s too limited.

Filler? I thought it’s a main damage source for psycho…

I think you’d be casting more flame ground+gravity combo and fire pillar+other high damaging skill rather than deploy fireball and then channel pressure for 10secs.

Psychic pressure is strongest psychokino skill. All psycho skills deal strong damage to ghost, holy, dark, soul, mutant enemies. Skill combo choice is up to you.

Magnetic force -> (fireball+) psychic pressure is a combo. Solve problem of low-range-hitbox psychic pressure.


@greyhiem thanks! I love that build. Shadow and psycho are probably 2 of my favorite wiz classes. My only concern about this full INT build is SP…

The video wizard is ~560 INT and ~200 SPR. All wizards use INT & SPR equips or INT & CON (CON & SPR for summoners). Your goal for end-game gear should be all gear INT+CON+SPR. The build Pyro2-Thauma3-sorc1-Enchanter2 is most expensive, with INT+CON+SPR+DEX gear requirement.

You could swap out pyro3 for pyro2 and include sorc1, and go full SPR.

Seems interesting. Do you know a video of this build?

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One of the vids is psychokino3 instead of thauma3, let’s see

Wow nice. I don’t understand how he changed to 700 DEX in the first video though.

BTW, the build you suggested, full SPR including sorc1. Wouldn’t the damage for pyro and psycho be low if I do full SPR? I thought it would be the other way around, full INT with gears to increase SPR.

He just swapped equipment.

Early and early-mid game damage will be low when you are SPR. Late-game (end-game weapon) SPR with strong summon will win dealer.

What kino skillls can be used while in giant mode (rune of giant RC)?