Tree of Savior Forum

Questions about Enchanter

Hello guys,

I don’t have access to the PTR and I really need rock-solid information about enchanter 2 to choose my first ranks, please restrain yourself to answer if you aren’t sure about the information you share. I’m also not looking for opinions :face_with_monocle:. Thank you in advance !

1- How works * Cryomancer: Freeze Speciality*
Enemies frozen by Cryomancer skills receive 10% additional damage from Lightning property attacks per attribute level

Is it a final modifier or a skill added% like High guard for Umbo blow speciality? => 754% or 553% Skill Ratio on storm calling or final damage *1.5 (multiplying the additional damage like hats and dagger)

=> Wiz1 Cryo3 Chrono3 Enchanter 2

2- How interacts “Lightning hands” with additional lines?

Does it work like Aspergilium, i.e. adding a whole new line taking all the elemental properties and additional damage (from hat and dagger) and is added to the normal lines?

3- Did someone tried to share “Lightning hands” with “Spiritual chains” linker C2?

It will be insane if it works giving again some great potential to the Linker class. If someone has the list of the shareable buffs, it will be really handy.

=>Wiz1/Pyro1/Linker2/Chrono3/Enchanter 2

Once again, thank you for the answers
Edit: Change storm calling into lightning hand (enchanter c2 spell)

Lightning hands is a buff which changes your normal ‘Z’ attack from wizard bolt into Lightning (Magic-Lightning type) with a new %damage factor (~500% damage with skill lvl 5). It does not give any additional attack line. It is similar to Reiter limacon, which changes your pistol C attack into a new attack with %damage. If you have any +additional attack lines, your attack will still proc those. If you wear a rod+dagger, pressing C will still use dagger attack. Pressing Z will use lightning hands attack.

Lightning hands cannot be shares through Spiritual Chains.
Spirit Chains will share:
-Scout cloaking
-Peltasta Guardian buff
-Swordie Gung Ho
-Swordie Restrain
-Wizard Quickcast
-Quarrel Shooter Running Shot

This is a question for cryo expert @ArenaWaifu

As far as i know it’s a final damage % modifier, when doing Freeze + Electrocute combo with Cryo3Ele3 damage seems to escale by more than 200% being both attributes 100% and 50% respectively, so it definetly a final number modifier.

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Thanks to both of you.

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