Tree of Savior Forum

Questions about Boss Cards (Sorcerer Temple Shooter)

1- What the best way to get cards? Im trying to buy (Talt) but its a gamble, sometimes the guy get my card and I can get it back or net (lose 1 more)

2- How much cards I use to reach 10stars on templeshooter? Theres any exp table?

Speaking as a fellow Sorc who lost like 10 cards to a friend who was trying to give them to me for free: don’t buy cards that aren’t Templeshooter. Just don’t bother. It’s not worth it, you might as well just cardbattle randoms without paying a talt fee.

For each star/card level, it takes [next level x 100 EXP] to level up, with each card being worth 100 EXP at one star (+50 EXP for each additional level/star on the card, so you lose EXP overall if you level cards before using them to level other cards).
To put it more simply: to reach two stars costs two cards, three stars costs three cards, four stars costs four cards, etc.
It takes a total of 54 sacrificed one star cards to make a ten star card.

As for getting more cards, the best way to do it is to just run instance dungeons and kill world bosses, since they have a chance to drop cards. You also get a handful of cards from doing story quests. There are a few cards that are better than others for winning at card battles, so if you’re feeling lucky you can also save these ones for battling and try to win.


  • Throneweaver (2 free from story quests)
  • Unknocker (2 free from story quests)
  • Mineloader (1 free from story quests)
  • Glackuman
  • Abomination
    probably more that I’ve never picked up.

Overall you want cards of bosses that are heavy, tall, have a lot of legs, and/or have a long name, and you want that card to stay at one star since more stars = slightly lower chance of winning (for some reason). I wouldn’t recommend using cards besides these ones. Some have just average or really terrible win rates so you’re way more likely to lose it than win, pointless when you’re goal is to amass as many cards as possible. If you lose your good battling cards then it’s better to just walk away than to risk playing with an even lower chance of success.


Wow, incredible post, helped me a trillion! :DDDD

So you want to level up your card in a hard way? This happened to me too


Anyways, buy a 10 star templeshooter from a credible player. Its hard to find whos trusthworthy tho. What i did is i added them on facebook, took their pictures in case i get scam. Haha. Then made a deal. Its easier to find trustworthy player than collecting 54 cards.

Btw, what’s your server? I still have my level 7 templeshooter. Telsiai here.



i am play @ varena got level 10 Temple shooter , my level is 177 , easy way is doing world boss for lvl up card , using token you can open up cubes 3x

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Yeah, well, hopefully the new restrictions hit them where it hurts. Flagged.