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Question shinobi: bunshin no jutsu

Creates clones of yourself. The clones automatically attack nearby enemies and replicate any Shinobi attack skills you use. Whenever the clones replicate skills, SP consumption and cooldown increase according to your Bunshin no Jutsu skill level. Attributes do not apply to skills performed by clones.

at lvl 3 dont have more clones , same duration , so why i level up the skill 7 points more?just for increase more sp consumption and cooldown?
edit: same dmg at lvl 4 or lvl 10 same duration too on coolddowns only sp increase .
edit2 : same stamina consumption. 7 skills levels wasted or what?
cooldown: 2+ 10%skill coldown i take kunai 25s ) 2+2.5=4.5 X number of clones is 3 so 4.5*3 13.5+25=38.5s CD whe use it with clones TESTED good
kunai DMG at lvl 3 bunshin: 25k
kunai dmg at lvl 10 bunshin:25k no changes only changes when i level uo skill kunai change 1 to 5 25k to 40k

caption ratio 2 about number of clones :var value = skill.Level

if (value >= 3) {
value = 3

return value

COOLDOWN dont affected by skill level.
caption ratio about duration
var value = 20
return value

var basicCoolDown = 45000;
var abilAddCoolDown = 0 // @rjgtav. Attributes aren’t supported yet;
basicCoolDown = basicCoolDown + abilAddCoolDown;
var cls = GetClassList(“SkillRestrict”);
var sklCls = GetClassByNameFromList(cls, “Shinobi_Bunshin_no_jutsu”);
var coolDownClassify = Null;
var zoneAddCoolDown = 0;

if (sklCls not Null) {
var isKeyword = TryGetProp(sklCls, “Keyword”, Null)

if (IsRaidField(pc) == 1) {

    if (string.find(isKeyword, "IsRaidField") == 1) {
        var addCoolDown = TryGetProp(sklCls, "Raid_CoolDown", Null)
        addCoolDown = StringSplit(addCoolDown, "/");
        coolDownClassify = addCoolDown[1]; zoneAddCoolDown = addCoolDown[2];

} else if (IsPVPField(pc) == 1) {

    if (string.find(isKeyword, "IsPVPField") == 1) {
        var addCoolDown = TryGetProp(sklCls, "PVP_CoolDown", Null)
        addCoolDown = StringSplit(addCoolDown, "/");
        coolDownClassify = addCoolDown[1]; zoneAddCoolDown = addCoolDown[2];



if (skill.ClassName == “Cleric_Heal”) {

if (IsPVPServer(pc) == 1) {
    basicCoolDown = basicCoolDown + 28000


var laimaCoolTime = GetExProp(pc, “LAIMA_BUFF_COOLDOWN”)

if (laimaCoolTime not 0) {
basicCoolDown = basicCoolDown * (1 - laimaCoolTime)
} else if (IsBuffApplied(pc, ‘CarveLaima_Debuff’) == ‘YES’) {
basicCoolDown = basicCoolDown * 1.2;

if (IsBuffApplied(pc, ‘GM_Cooldown_Buff’) == ‘YES’) {
basicCoolDown = basicCoolDown * 0.9;

if (IsBuffApplied(pc, ‘SpeForceFom_Buff’) == ‘YES’) {

if (skill.ClassName not "Centurion_SpecialForceFormation") {
    basicCoolDown = basicCoolDown * 0.5;


var ret = Math.floor(basicCoolDown) / 1000
ret = Math.floor(ret) * 1000;

if (coolDownClassify == “Fix”) {
ret = zoneAddCoolDown;
} else if (coolDownClassify == “Add”) {
ret = zoneAddCoolDown + ret

return Math.floor(ret);

var basicSP = 128;
var decsp = 0;
var bylvCorrect = 0

if (basicSP == 0) {
return 0;
and SP code only affect by char level and focus on situations specific but no affected by level skill:
var lv = player.Lv
bylvCorrect = lv - 300

if (bylvCorrect < 0) {
bylvCorrect = bylvCorrect * 2.75 / 1000
} else if (bylvCorrect >= 0) {
bylvCorrect = bylvCorrect * 1.25 / 1000

var value = basicSP * (1 + bylvCorrect)
var abilAddSP = 0 // @rjgtav. Attributes aren’t supported yet;
abilAddSP = abilAddSP / 100;
value = Math.floor(value) + Math.floor(value * abilAddSP);
var zeminaSP = GetExProp(pc, “ZEMINA_BUFF_SP”);

if (zeminaSP not 0) {
decsp = value * zeminaSP

value = value - decsp;

if (IsBuffApplied(pc, “Gymas_Buff”) == “YES”) {
var ratio = 0.25;
var isDragonPower = GetExProp(pc, ‘ITEM_DRAGON_POWER’)

if (tonumber(isDragonPower) >= 1) {
    ratio = ratio + 0.25

decsp = value * ratio


value = value - decsp;

if (value < 1) {
value = 0

if (skill.ClassName == “Scout_Cloaking” and IsBattleState(pc) == 1 and (IsPVPServer(pc) == 1 || IsPVPField(pc) == 1)) {
return 0

return Math.floor(value);

@imc can answer please?

its because of the arts

[[Arts] Bunshin no Jutsu: Mijin no Jutsu]
When your clones disappear, they use [Mijin no Jutsu]. The damage dealt is based on the Skill Factor of the caster, and the SP of the caster is consumed upon use.

valid answer , thanks, art worth it xD

dont pick the art, you can manually mijin your clone, save you 36k atb. Weird, clone should be stronger with lv x10% if according to prebuff patch. Here is tooltip screenshot

Still need some answer from IMC to make sure about it. And I think after the art patch, bunshin’s skill doesn’t applying attribute from your skill really doesn’t fit into the art patch purpose. It makes no sense to spend extra attribute point and money to do the enhanced upgrade on shinobi’s skill tree. I think bunshin should take 50% from the attribute or at least making the skill action time faster. Otherwise, I don’t know it really is a troll class to pick.