Tree of Savior Forum

Question regarding classes after cryo3

Well, i’m confused what classes to pick after cryo 3
First, i love the ice wall + psychic pressure combo
And, i want to build support CC pvp wizard
Should i go cryo 3 > crono3 or cryo 3 > psychokino 1 > elementalist 1 >rune caster 1? Or any better suggestion?

cryo 3 > crono3 is VERY solid,

cryo 3 > psycho3 is very solid too

cryo 3 > psychokino 1 > elementalist 1 >rune caster 1 is trash.

in my opinion.

chrono3 (best crowd control)

psycho3 (great for pvp and pve alike)

linker3 (mob grouper - rather for pve)

sorc2 -> sorc3/link1/wl (dont know how sorcs do in pvp - in pve very nicely indeed + u can afk grind xP + sooner or later summons will be improved)

psycho1 -> psycho2/thaum1 -> feather (dont know if feather hp drain works on pvp - but if it does - plenty hp + freeze + hp drain = xDDD)

If you want CC then go for kino3.

[Gravity Pole] is still one of the best CCs despite incoming damage nerf.
[Raise] + [Ice PIllar] are great zoning tool. You usually place them on narrow areas.

alright thanks for the suggestion guys
guess, i’ll make a psycho 3 then for gvg and pvp (i love helping other ppl xD)

any other suggestion to make me change my plan?

cry3-psy3 is the best. But you can also make ice-wall cannon build with cry3-wiz2-psy1-rc for boss killing, but then you lose the best cc skills.