Tree of Savior Forum

Question for Necros into both PvE and PvP

I’m currently building a Necro, and I like PvE and PvP. I’m going the Wiz 3 route, but I was at a fork in the roads. Do I get Linker 2 or Psycho 2. Obviously, Linker 2 is the better PvE choice as it lets all your stuff mob a lot better. Especially when Skeletons get buffed in Necro 3, you may actually just be able to link things and have your skeletons kill stuff pretty effectively.

However, I really, really hate clerics in PvP. I want to be able to kill them reasonably well. Psycho 2 lets this happen and in general is just a much better setup path for PvP. Not only does PD completely counter any links at all, that’s all the class has to offer for PvP really. Spiritual Linking for buffs seems incredibly situational as well. Not to mention, I see it and hear it all the time that Hangman often seems to go off in PvP.

On the flipside, Magnetic Earth will work on everything but Faded targets which you can wait out. It sets you up for not just great 1 on 1 kills, but multi kills as well if enemies group too close together. It also can suck people out from Safety Wall or just help allies land things easier too. Links can potentially do these things too, but it’s much more harder to get over Bloodletting and Oracle than it is to get over fade and swall can prevent link hits from going through as well.

Apart from ME vs. JP, swap is a useful skill as well, countering not only swall but just setting up positioning. Teleport is also a really nice escape skill. Telekinese can be great to hang onto as well, especially if your skeletons are around. Finally, Psychic Pressure combined with surecast and quickcast isn’t bad at all.

Obviously, some of those things are situational, but I just feel like Psycho 2 is a much stronger choice for PvP. But, in your opinion, is that worth all the benefits Links have in PvE? Even with the 100 hit limit Linker 2 will have, you should be in a pretty good spot for PvE. In parties, you could partner with a linker, sure, but being able to do it solo is of course going to make mobbing a lot easier. Of course, Psychic Pressure stunlock with Wiz 3 buffs isn’t a bad leveling tool either. I believe there are both mobs immune to links and stun, so I guess that’s a wash.

I could go on, but I’m curious what other PvE/PvP Necros think about this. I find it to be a difficult choice to make because I feel like (especially post buffs) Necro will be a really fun class for both PvE and PvP. Do you lean more on Linker (PvE) or Psycho (PvP)?

watch these vids (7 vids on the playlist): [link]

this guy is #7 on KtoS 2v2 last february.
unfortunately, he did not took wiz3, instead:
wiz-cryo-kino2-sorc-necro2, possibly doing 1:1 = int:con

maybe the videos are before the patch that disables freeze of ice bolt.
if you like his gameplay using magnetic force, then you may go forward with kino2.

All I see on that video is him getting disabled and his teammate doing most of the work and his summons AI.

For the OP, kino C2 Magnetic Force has a really good combo with Flesh Cannon. You can kill at least one player on pvp immediately. Not going for a max charge to time the disable window it gives but still can OHKO.

Linker on PVP is also good although you may have a hard time when linking what is really necessary with all the ice walls, statues, etc but when done correctly can turn the tide. There are still a lot of players who keep companions out which is a good sign of an easy win. (e.g. Hitting the pet linked instead)

For the summons, it can cause chaos within the formation of the enemy. What I find really good is a dirty pole at the entrance or at the center bottom/top. This prevents any sneak by without getting the decay. As I have known lvl1 Dirty Pole can cause 50% hp loss within 13 sec which is a lot. Corpse tower on the front line as usual to harass channeling.

Regarding PVE, Linker is your saving grace here. I have a build before with kino2 and it won’t help your party grinding faster.

The only danger of going psycho is that IMC might further nerf them.

Other wise it is most definitely the superior PvP class, and still pretty good in PvE.

wiz3 Linker has a magic missile combo thats pretty decent… (link a bunch of targets and magic missile all of them, so dmg is shared)

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I already have a Linker2-Necro and I also thought of doing a full CON Wiz3-Kino2-Necro2 for PvP. But I just thought that I wouldn’t be able to stand playing it in PvE so I won’t be doing it.

So all I can say is that if you think you can handle playing Necro without Linker, then go for it. Well, you could also half-ass it and go with Linker1 Kino1. That way you’d be fine in PvE and you still get Telekinesis (for your skeletons/party) and Swap (has a 2-second immobilise now) as CCs.

Psycho 1 is really lacking honestly. No Stun on PP and no ME which is the main PvP snare.
Linker 1 is also going to be hit pretty hard with the 10 hit per level limit nerf.

I did consider Linker’s benefits for PvP as well @Darkness2 , but the idea of being completely shut down from it one on one and against bloodletting & oracle makes me feel that its strengths are more so in PvE than PvP.

I think Psycho 2 can be useful in PvE, but Linker is of course going to be better, especially in a party. What I will say is that Wiz 3 does make PP a bit more bearable. If nothing else, it lets you be able to solo entire groups of non-stun resistant enemies without needing to use any corpses. If I party with a linker I feel like it won’t really matter in a group, but I know that is a big what if.

As for nerfing Psycho further… At that point, I don’t know what the purpose of the class even would be. It’s always felt second banana at PvE, which I always took as it being more of a PvP class. But, if its CC isn’t good, it really just doesn’t have a place in the game in my opinion… I mean, look at gravity pole post nerfs, it’s completely useless now in PvP (maybe with duels being the exception?). I’d just like to think that ToS devs have at least some sense of self awareness when it comes to its game.

At the end of the day I want to have fun. I think Linker is going to make my other skills and summons more effective for PvE, and occasionally be good in PvP. I’m going to enjoy PvE more more or less.

Psycho 2 is going to help me deal a lot better with the most hated classes (for me) in PvP, which are clerics. There are things that I have to look out for still, but I think Bloodletting and oracle protection is a lot harder to wait out than Fade or Austine. But that’s just ME vs. JP really. I like that Psycho gives me tools even when I want to hold back on ME. PP stun is great to use if I catch someone between CC immunity, and in 2 v 2, after 1 person dies, quickly telekinesising the other person is a great move. Swap is a good out to use against some things as well and Teleport has saved me on my other character in PvP many times.

Also, looking to the future. You can’t use spell scrolls in PvP, but you can use spell scrolls in PvE. So, I could always use JP scrolls in the future for PvE if I really felt I needed it. And, as cool as it is having 10 skeletons take on a group of 8 linked mobs for PvE, I think CCing people while my skeletons poke at them is very menacing too.

I ended up picking Psycho, but I think I’d have regrets either way since I have other characters with Psycho and Linker and I’d miss the merits of either honestly. I’ll always prefer Linker in PvE and Psycho in PvP is the real crux for me; I don’t think there is a good answer to the problem since I do a bit of both. u - u;

There you have it. Your answer is leaning towards Kino and I’m sure you will be having more fun on your choice than a forced one. It sure is not a bad choice. In fact, it is good on PVP. Just keep in mind that finding a party with your build can be a little daunting because you are neither a full dps nor a full support. Starting up your own party should be well okay.