Tree of Savior Forum

Question about Surespell

I am just about to start to play few hours from now.
I see that cryos and psychokinos fear getting interrupted by bosses when casting skills, but will Surespell be a solution on this problem or do bosses bypass Surespell?

They knock you down, Surespell won’t help it, it only works against simple hits (even non-boss mobs can knock you down and interrupt your casting). Moreover, you’ll need to take Wiz2 for Surespell, which is absolutely pointless without taking Wiz3.


Ohhh, thank you so much for the clarification!

if you want to be a cryo kino, prepare your lucky plushy instead of surespell…

prepare to get thrown away of your PP as soon as you start it with IW and get ready for teammates moving mobs away from you or enemies hitting you from bh or bosses doing forward attacks away from you…

Surespell is a waste on 3Cyro.

c3 Psycho on the other hand…

Surespell prevent casts from being interrupted when you are not moved away of your position.

Reflect Shield prevents knockback and some pushes when the damage it reduces is something around 10~15% at least of the incoming damage.