Tree of Savior Forum

Question about sorcerer's summoning skill

So I tried to summon the devil in a boss fight, expecting it to be a front line tank for the squishy me. However, during the whole fight, all it did was attacking the trap poles and following behind me uselessly. Is this a skill bug, or the devil is really that useless?

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If you don’t have the circle 2 skill your summon will just auto target the closest thing to it, your best shot in boss fights is to run up to the boss and summon it right on top of it.

How about salamion, is it also the same?

Yes Salamion does nothing but attack the closest target, but salamion is timed and doesn’t drain your SP poll while active so it’s a one point wonder to attract enemy attack more then to do damage.

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So if I just want to go for 1 circle sorcerer (because I couldn’t find anything fun other than sorcerer for rank 5 so I picked it), which one should I max, summon or salamion?

It doesn’t really matter, neither skill scales that well whit levels, the only thing that matter is that you get level 5 Familiar and level 5 Summon servant.

Are the summon bats really good?

They are five homing missiles. Once you’ll start using them, you’ll never stop.

Another question, I heard someone said that while using the Ride skill, only the summon will take dmg, is that true? If it’s the case, is it worth to go 2 circle to get that skill (since I die quite a lot in dungeon due to my low hp/def)?

Ride skill is mainly used for increased DPS (allow you to trigger devil’s skills).
You’ll go C2 for the command spells, which will allow you to use the summon as a tank.

Salamion is passive DPS you don’t need to worry about.

How much SP exactly does summoning drain?

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