Tree of Savior Forum

Question about Opening Hour

They basically messed up when they put the release time on steam and never checked it till Friday I’m thinking. Then Ethan was off all weekend. I’m hoping it gets fixed tomorrow, but who knows. If it doesn’t get fixed it’ll be released at 5 am EDT.

Oh and EST and EDT are the same time zone. One during the spring, the other is during the fall for daylight savings time.

I PM’d @Staff_Julie about this a few days ago, and she checked in with IMC and corrected this already in the announcement post:

Yes, that’s when the servers come up, but if steam detects “Nope on our end the game doesn’t release for another three hours” then you will keep getting the message we are now and won’t be able to play until the timer expires on their end. The game won’t launch.

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Oh I was referring to the OP who mentioned the post about it, not the steam page.

But now that I am looking at the steam page, you are correct, the time is pretty off.

Yup, I’m predicting a massive storm of angry players if 2am hits and steam won’t launch the game.

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Hi, everyone. We fixed the release time. Please check the Steam store page once more.


LOL, you cracked me up.

Thank you so much Julie!

Awesome, thanks for the quick response. Maybe I should buy the highest founders pack now. I love seeing actives Devs in forums. Makes me feel better about the game I’m playing.

Thank you for fixing this immediately :thumbsup:. It would be inconvenient if it indeed ended up with the servers being open but Steam is not letting us to :open_mouth:

Tomorrow is gonna be painful.


Thanks. I see its 2am edt so.

2am EDT

/20 characters

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Yes edt, sorry i edited my post now.

Thank you!


15 hours I’m dyinnnnng ;___;

I’m confused too:

EDT time (now)

EST time (now)

Not the same.

This was edited?

Yes it was edited, its 2am EDT now.

Im not surprised your confused. My steam region’s timezone is GMT+1, my pc’s timezone is GMT+8. Yet the storepage shows release date: 28/4
Shouldnt it say 29/4 considering my timezone(s)? o__O

Shrug oh well, I can’t use my new pc untill tomorrow anyway. :stuck_out_tongue: