Tree of Savior Forum

Question about Dimension Compression

Hello everyone! I am making my build of wiz 3 ele 3 sorc 1 and either shadowmancer 2 or sage 2. I have been researching both classes in a matter of aoe and single target damage. For obvious reasons it is hard to not pay attention to shadowthorn hitting twice with over 3k% of damage. However I came across some videos on youtube and I noticed this on dimension compression (specifically after the 3 minute mark)

How is this damage possible? I look into the details of the skill and at level 5 the damage is only 1782% that can be charged up to 2x. It does say it gathers up to 8 enemies, does that mean if there are no enemies and only the boss, the boss will take 8 hits? Thank you so much in advance

No. The skill deals damage to a single target and then “drags”/teleports all targets around the damaged target towards where the damaged target is/was.#

The skill itself deals really high damage, my guess is its 5 hits, each 1782%?
I’m not exactly sure how the displayed damage numbers correspond to this skills tooltip damage.

About Shadow Thorn : Keep in mind that the “hitting twice”-effect only works on ground targets, not on flying targets. And it costs a huge amount of sp.

For Aoe, Sage is definitely better than Shadowmancer. Sages damage skill attributes (“after-effect” attributes) really provide nice additional aoe damage while Shadowmancers aoe skills are kinda “meh” and can easily miss… Shadow Condensation requires your targets to stay perfectly still for 2~3 seconds, or else it’ll miss. I really wish it did splash damage to all targets near the black orbs, like Rune of Destruction, then that skill would be awesome. But as it is i’m not impressed by it.

Personally, if i don’t have a Linker in my build i’d rather take Sage than Shadowmancer.

Does after-effect still happens even if you kill the original monster you target it with? Does it hit the original monster twice if it stays alive?

Yeah it seems kinda weird how 5 hits go up, I would like to know that for certain. Since I am an elementalist with sorcerer so far my aoe has looked decent so I was looking for something that would still have aoe, but could guarantee me a better single target damage so I can help people with bosses and such.

Yes, it hits other targets even if the first mob hit dies, and it does hit the same target twice if it stays alive. The AoE on the after-effects feels bigger than the 1st hit, so it often hits more targets than the original hit when doing CMs or other content where there are many monsters on-screen.

And yeah, even though the skill tooltip doesn’t say it, Dimension compression hits many times, even if you dont charge it at all. Its a very good skill for pvp too, I heard it often one shots people.

In regards to your build, I’d definitely go sage2, shadow2 works better with FF1 instead of sorc1. FF1 gives self heal, and 2 ways of giving curse debuff(cursed enemies receive +50% dark dmg). And as @Sayurichan said, Shadow2 is bad against flying targets.

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Thank you both for your insight!

Also, do you know where I could find this information that cursed enemies receive +50% dark dmg?

From the developer blog about wizard rebalance from a while ago:

Besides FF1’s Bone pointing and Kurdaitcha, the only other way I know of giving curse debuff is Hexing from Bokor1

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even with all kind of damage buff, kundela slash its on other tier of damage.

Since you have sorc 1, you are probably full spr?
If that is the case then shadow is no problem at all because shadowmancer uses a lot of sp.

Shadowmancer is more single target dps while sage is more aoe dps.
Shadowmancer will do 50% more damage to cursed enemies so if you have a bokor or ff in party then thats good.
Sage skills do not have property which means they will not be affected by any damage reducing effect other than magic defense.

i recommend FF1 instead of sorc1 if you choose shadowmancer2