Tree of Savior Forum

Question about Alchemist build

Hey guys! I’m looking for a build focused on PVE/money maker and this is the result:

I’m also thinking about change the Sorcerer for a Pyro C3 maybe, or a Linker C2.

What u guys think is the best for what i’m looking for? Please, share your opinion!


Pyro3 will be better for soloing, linker2 - better for support in party. Depends on what you’re aiming for. If it’s mostly solo, just switch Sorcerer for Pyro3.

Sorcerer is a class that spend money (blue pots), don’t include it if you want to earn money.
Pyro3 itself is difficult to hold itself in Rank7, I would suggest Pyro2-Linker2.

Finally, this game is tree of dungeon especially leveling, linker2 is best for this purpose.

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I leave this comment in another similar post, hope it helps you.

Yeah i also recommend you to change sorcerer for pyro c3 or linker c2 for gold and gameplay purposes; tho If you go pyro c3 you’ll have lots of dmg, linker c1 can handle it since pyromancers have lots of area skills~ but linker c2 is also a good patch so it depends on you :doughnut:

I have questions on this content, if anyone could help:

  • Is it really worth the trouble of making a alche? I mean, if you are not going to make full use of tinturing (lots of time) it might be better to just purchase your awakened items and farm your money in other ways, or is the difference in money production too big?

  • Are alchemists able to do more money than Pardoners?

  • This build I made is good for solo up right?

There is a huge difference between making pots and buy them, so yeah, it is worth. I think alchemist and Squires should be the classes with the bigger incomming in game, never try pardoner but I don’t really see them like a need. Finally I made some changes to your build.

*No energy bolt: After become pyro you will never use it again.
*Earthquake 1: Great CC, over kill at low lvl.
*Firewall and Flare removed: no of them are worth.
*Enchant Fire 5: It will replace energy bolt and it is a good buff for party.
*Hell Breath 5: Main source of damage at high lvl.
*No combustion, no dig: both skills sucks.
*Item awakening 3: I never need more than 1 person to go in with me (he was not there to help me, he was the client asking for awakening) it could be take to lvl 2, but maybe you could need a healer (and costumer) at some point, not sure.
*Briquetting 7: Bigger %. Personal choice, I will take this to lvl 10 and ignore Magnus Opus, but that is because I am not really sure about magnus Opus works, most of time you recive something useless or worst than original item, I need to do more investigation on this skill.

Pardoner’s buff shops are very useful for people who are leveling alts as it boosts your damage very hard early game with Bless + Sacra.
In the late game Pardoners are needed for the scrolls - Daino, Dispeller, Barrier etc - all of them are really useful and needed especially in Earth Tower.

Usually I have a Cleric in party so we never need a Pardoner, but no matter the classes in party we always need potions, rost gems, repair and buff for weapons to increace damage; maybe that is why alchemist and squire looks better for me. But you are right I guess, if you don’t know any cleric maybe you could need it, but I don’t think their incomming will be so high.

Isn’t it better to let go 5 points in Enchant Fire and put them into Flame ground (to max it)? or another option: leave 5 points in Enchant Fire for autoatks buff but take only 10 point in Fireball and 15 in Flame ground? I’ve read that Fireball can be anoying in partys.

Not every cleric will have barrier (Paladin c3), and even if he has, scroll has twice less cool down and usable by everyone, so you can have 5 of them up 100% of the time for example. Not every priest will run a rank of Krivis. Priest cannot craft Dispeller scrolls, which prevent any debuff. No priests will come and babysit your alt 1-70+ to rebuff it with Blessing lvl 15 every 2 minutes for faster leveling. Last one is not really needed but still helps quite a lot early on for faster progression.

All three of them (squire, pardoner, alchemist) are useful for a party or outside from one, they just offer you different things and can’t replace one another.

Well, personally I don’t think Pardoner is a must, I like the class but as I said you can survive without Pardoner (specially since scrolls can’t be use in arena), but you can’t do it without Alche/Squire products, I am not saying that pardoner won’t make money, but if you have to choose between buy potions/repair/buff you equipment or buy buffs/scrolls which one will be you priority? Ofc, at some point in game you should have money enough to do all that without problem, specially since silver is easy to farm but if you should to choose, wich will be your priority?

Personally never felt any need in Squire. He’s nice to have if you die a lot I guess, but you don’t need him except for some rare occasions. Attack buff for your weapon? Not necessary, just like pardoner buffs / scrolls.
Alchemist is universal, you don’t really need to have one as pots will be all over the market due to high population of Alchemists.

Yet from what people say about kobt Alche make the least amount of money out of these three.

Don’t see any reason to choose. Because for Earth Tower you will need utilities from all 3 of them to even have a chance to pass.

You don’t need a squire in party (I will take in party if I see them, but what I want are their buffs), but their damage buff is better than Blessing/Sacrament combo, which means more damage if you are leveling, the over durability is also nice to have for long dungeons and grind. Now, I don’t think about sell potions, It is a nice extra if you overproducted, but the difference in cost between make your own potions and buy them is huge, around 10times per potion. Now Gem Roost and awakening are way better to make money but you need to build a name to sell awakening. Some people says that Magnus Opus help to make money too, I don’t see how but as I said I haven’t use this skill enough to know how.

Let’s remmember that you are not taking offensive clerics to heal ET, they are dps and they can assist with heal if needed but that is not their job. Now, most of Clerics trying to do ET are builded with cleric>priest3>*>plague doctor or cleric2>>plague doctor so let’s say that you will need to buy Daino scrolls, don’t see why with the current buff expansion, and Barrier. Now let’s see the skills that works with Simoney

Current available skills: Cure, Deprotected Zone, Aukuras, Zalciai, Daino, Monstrance, Restoration, Turn Undead, Barrier, Arcane Energy, Clairvoyance, Forecast

Which other would you buy? Also to make most of those scrolls mean you are not able to do take priest 3, which means your sacrament/blessing is not too strong, another reason to avoid buy buffs. Sorry, but pardoner doesn’t look like a good money maker so far.

I’m reading carefully this thread. Becoz i want to make a making-money savior ^^
So i agree with what you said about pardoners and alche but
When you say that in kt-obt alche make the least amount of money, what about potions? Potion is not selling very well? I though alche can earn money from selling hp, sp pots.
What about item awakening. How does it cost in kobt for awakening an item? Does alche earn money with this service?

Question for a pardoner: barrier scroll, will really be sellable? If yes, at which price?

Pretty sure it will be worse at the start as the formula includes the stars on the weapon (basically it level). At around 40 or 75 it should technically become better than Blessing.

Awakening got nerfed since now it’s randomized and you might not get the desired stat on the item, not sure if it will be that useful in general.

Personally I saw more cleric3 / diev videos than priest 3 in tower, but it will heavily depend on party composition and not what we discussing atm.


I’ll just hope that everyone will think this way and go Alche. That well make Alche pots really cheap and scrolls expensive, just like in Korea atm.

I’m not trying to argue with you that Alche can make nice money on the side. But so can both Square and Pardoner as they both will be needed and used in different places.

Don’t forget also that Alche requires the most time out of all those professions to make money.

I am not wasting more time in this since you are understanding what you want and no what I am saying. Have a nice day.

The thing is alchemists are much more common, and as needed as a pardoner for late-game features, since if you can’t have the buffs with a full support player in your party you can just buy them, or even if you do, good players will always have some just in case, because the idea of sellable buffs is awesome.

I’m going to do both and try it out I think, but in reality I want to make the alche so I can make my own pots, which I think is the most efficient way to use it, the rest seems to depend on luck to make you richer.

You’re doing about the same. There’s no sense in creating restrictions that don’t normally apply just to prove the point. So we may as well just stop there.

If you don’t have a token, you can only have 1 slot up on the auction at a time. Which means you can either sell a stack of HP pots or SP pots, to sell both at the same time you will need a token activated.
Pots do sell good, as everyone needs them, the price per HP potion is around 200-300s (also depends on the server, the economics is different on every server, so might not be the same for itos.

To be honest, I didn’t see any Alche advertising it, but considering the nerf, not sure if it’s as needed at this point. It’s also very time consuming for a gamble.

If I take the same server, 1 scroll was around 5k. The supply is smaller and the demand is smaller too compared to potions. It is hard to compare. Early on Alche will make the most income, in my opinion, but due to huge population later on it will most likely switch to Squires being the most profitable as people are lazy to return to the city to repair and also the weapon buff scales really well into late game. Not sure of how popular Squires will be tho, as the population also affects the price.

Thx for yr answer. Find a paladin c3- pardoner for selling barrier will be rare. The price may become high with time.
When i was in icbt2 buff spell of priest- pardonner fall in price with the huge nomber of pardoners-priest in selling.
I noticed something similary with pots in ah.whith time, price fall down. We have to know if our making-money class will make profit later end.

And if pots, buff, repair will become cheap, what type of sellers will take the market to make the most profit in later end game?