Tree of Savior Forum

Question abou Onmy-Kino

I’m currently using Onmy-Kino-Tao but i’m not sure if i should max fire fox shikigami or not, cause i’m not sure if the critical rate will apply to the gravity pole with the fire fox atributte.

my build atm:

I had the same idea and tried it using psy pressure. I didn’t see any crit at all. For what I understand, it should crit 95% of the time. Or am doing something wrong or this is not working as intended… or it is explained poorly.

It is +95% of your crit rate I think? I tried this myself but my crit rate is too low for my tests to be conclusive. Psychic Pressure looked to me like it got more crit but I’m not too sure about Gravity Pole because only the additional hit is fire.

It is your critrate + 95%, like


10 + 95% = 19.5

Wait is that right? Does firefox increase ur current crit rate by 95%? I thought it would make the whole crit rate for fire 95% total hmmm this is important lol

If I’m not wrong, Psychic Pressure becomes fire but Gravity Pole doesn’t. It only adds extra fire property damage but Gravity Pole itself isn’t fire.

Hence, maxing Fire Fox would only be beneficial if you are running Pyromancer

Gravity Pole adds a 2nd hit that’s fire, so half of the damage is psychic while the other half is fire. That fire portion gets all the benefits from Necro Great Corruption so I think the fire crit rate would work on it too, but I’m not 100% sure.

Yes, its not very good if you dont have some good crit rate already