Tree of Savior Forum

Questing with a party needs improvements

General Issues/examples, with possible suggestions/solutions

  • You’re throughout half the quests on a map, another player joines the party, and activates the first quest on the map, causing the whole party to teleport to them, where they help beat up the boss that does not drop anything for anyone anymore besides the new member

  • You accept a quest that throws you into an instance or a boss fight, with 0 warning, while half of the party is not teleported into it, due to being 1 or 2 quests behind. Then just when you’re done, one of the other members gets to that point and back to issue 1.

Either there should be a much more clear warning for quests that throw you (and get the party to you) into a quest-instance BEFORE you can accept them, or there should be an option of going a step back. In other words, you start a quest-instance, go “whoops I entered this too quickly”, push a hotkey/click a button, and are back in the moment before you accepted the quest. This can currently be done by going to character select and logging back in (but it means another unnecessary loading screen…), so why not make it possible simply without logging out?

Or when such a quest is accepted, instead of throwing you right into the fight-scene, it should give you a new window, where it tells you how many members of the party have accepted it as well (are looking at the same pre-fight-scene window), ala 3/5, and have a button for starting it or canceling it… a lot of possibilities. Another way would be that when one member starts a quest, they can pick “solo”/“party”, if picking the latter, requests are sent to each partymember, and as soon as each pickes Yes/No, the quest starts with the members that said yes.

  • it’s very hard to tell what quest partymembers are at.

There is a part of the screen dedicated to “partymember quests” supposedly, however it doesn’t seem to do its job well.

All we see is a single quest that that player probably isn’t even aware is picked as their currently shown quest. Its title is mostly only partially visible, but it should give some actually informative info instead, like what NPC, what map, or actually tell you what their progress is. Any one of those on their own are likely more useful than first 3 words of the quest-title.

The other thing it offers is a warp, that’s also rarely clear on where it might take you. It should say what map it’s going to at the very least.
And the player via whom others can use that warp, should themselves be aware of what it is. It’s confusing to say the least.

  • the party-option of disabling/enabling shared questing is too limited.

Currently, the party-leader can pick whether shared questing is enabled or disabled for the party. (and like 95% of the time, people don’t even know where these options are…)

Each partymember should be able to enable/disable THEIR OWN willingness to be teleported into quests from other partymembers. So when someone starts a quest, only the members who have it ON are teleported to them.

And this option should not be hidden in the third tab of the partywindow. It should be accessible via a simple hotkey (making switching anytime instantly possible) and the current choice should be visible somewhere outside the partywindow.

All in all, doing quests with a party is far from optimal in its current state. I’d love to see it improved.