Tree of Savior Forum

Quest maker class

Would be interesting if there were a class that can create it’s own
stall that sells custom objective quests offering exp cards based
on the difficulty, plus a item reward of the player choice could be
offered to the first players who does the quest, until the item
stock is gone.

The quest stall could stay there even when the player goes offline,
just like a player with a shop opened.

The idea is crazy, but would be interesting, even more for players
who can’t find quests to do.

bulletin boards where you pick a quest… there is already a lot of bulleting boards on the map (those warning board before you enter a map) :expressionless:

U mean a class that generates private maps/instance? Could be interesting the closes 1 to that is alchemist but directly making quest for xp cards is terrible

Templar can create Guild Events though, but I think Scout should be able to create quest scroll :smirk: cause they scout lol.

Sorry, never met that imaterial feature.

Not private maps/instances, just quests.
You select the objective based on a monster in a map, depending on
the quest difficulty, the exp card awarded will be good and depending on
it, in greater quantity.
For example, if you make a quest of collecting 5 Tanu Flowers, you would be
able to award 3 Exp Card Level 4 to the player for their patience.