Tree of Savior Forum

QQ vs PewPew [League Salt]

It has begun. It’s against the forum rules to post chat logs but there was a TON of qqing when I went to battle league today, Cryo 3 - Chron 2.

Stuff like “omg why is a chrono 2 queueing you’re so useless”

Things to note:
Other team had an oracle + PD
We already have a chrono 3.

It’s quite cute actually. They spent the WHOLE match qqing that I was not a chrono 3 and kept running into AoEs.


I’ve decided to leave this as a sort of “QQ” thread. People need to vent someplace! Feel free to QQ, but dont Pewpew people directly.

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But they’re right, you’re not a Chrono3

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I understand that part. The thing is, we have a chrono 3 already and to blame a loss just because you’re a chrono 2 is just stupid.

IMC allowed this sort of queueing so how is it my fault? Yehknow?

That’s the same line of thought as “You’re not a pvp build dont have fun trying it out”.

Let them QQ.

End of story :stuck_out_tongue:

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a rune caster even degraded me in battle league coz im the only rank 5 elem in the team, and he went afk-ing and lately quit the game,but yet we still won by 4v5. kinda lolz back there.

SOOOO…dont get discouraged. if you’re joining in TBL just for the sake of lesser panda. GO FOR IT! who cares for the rankings? as long you got the points that’s fine


Omg yes. For lesser panda >: I

Every bit of hate is worth it for the lesser panda.

I kept running into the same PD for 3 rounds and we all kept losing. He kept complaining about rank5 (I was the rank5) and rank6 that we can’t get enough dps and what not…

I dealt the most dmg for almost all of the 3 rounds… Once I even killed 4 players of the opposite team in the same match. It’s just my build is not for pvp as I have only 50+ con.

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At least u r a wiz class lol.

Lmao that’s true xD


Edit: updated first post