Tree of Savior Forum

Q:about monk in general

I’m curious in monk… and will be a 1st timer monk but not a 1st timer in the game i have 6 characters already so I know my in’s and outs of the game… :smiley:

My question is

  1. do you have stamina problems using double punch (pls do tell of your problems)

  2. whats best stat ratio of str dex for monk if i have ping issues…

  3. do you have benefits if using priest c2 for the buffs?? (spirit increase effectiveness of buffs and debuffs) :smiley: I asked this couz i know the stats are str dex for monks…

  4. is it really safe for just cleric c2 for heals? we don’t got int or spi. to increase the heal value… (been to parties with just a monk for a cleric class the rest others)

these are my concerns… hope someone could ans this so i can finally decide to make one…



  1. No, just carry enough stam pills.
  2. Screw dex. put everything to Str and a few points in Con and Spr.
  3. No…not for me. Don’t have priest circle in my monk.
  4. For the usual saalus + dungeon 290, it’s enough to keep the team alive from getting killed.

1.Not really, with Stamina pills and arcane energy scrolls I managed even in maps without crystal trees.

  1. Around 100 DEX, in the first 150 the difference is more noticeable.

3 . No, Priest is picked for Revive (really good) , mass heal (not that good) and mostrance (wich you can buy). But in my opinion, don’t worth it.

  1. Yes, it enough, you can buy Restoration scrolls to improve your heal too. Still, Cleric 3 is good too

No issues with stamina, at all. Arcane energy 5 scrolls + stamina pills. Occasional red oxes, solves it all.

I, personally, do not like priests in monk, simply because you can buy most of the skills that priest offers. And to be fair +1999 blessing from pardoner is way better then +420 from own.

My personal choice as of now is cleric3, since costume is <3 and heals are great like that.

I have good ping amd very high trans weapon. I opted out for a little more dex, then conventional choice of 100-150.
But for a more laggier connection, i would suggest to get 50-80 dex and go STR. Dex would be for block pen then anything else

another question that was running through my mind when you put in your comments…

what if oracle @ rank 8? (im not a fan of inqui but i know its powerful… :smiley:
I wanted to revolved on monk skills and support those skills…

from what you said… i can go this kind of paths

cleric c3> priest c1 (avoid bless) (buying bless)> monk c3> oracle c1
was also thinking guardian + goldenbell shield + iron skin (devotion from ragnarok playstyle)
while maintaining monk play style as well…

priest for monstrance, aspe and resu. :smiley: (looking at skull smasher recipe) has spr and int… :smiley:

the other one
is replacing priest with diev c1 for laima, vak, and zemyna.

i picked oracle just for the arcane, a dispel on hand… bonus is prophecy…

stats… I’ll go with the recommend 150? or is it really just 100 on dex?
I just want to concentrate more on the monk and build it up with support by itself… what is needed what is necessary

again thank you for the feed backs… they really helped me how to look at the monk in another perspective…

150 dex or more if you have good ping only, otherwise its a waste of points TBH, maybe try to use FPS savior and see if your fps improve a little bit.

Oracle doesnt offer that much tbh, you can easly buy arcane energy scrolls or use red oxes (For long term runs) wich you can get from uphill.

Been testing cleric2 diev1 priest1 monk3 inqui 1 and its pretty useful but im not gonna lie, i wanted to test cleric’s 3 guardian but didnt had the chance with the reset event and didnt want to end up with an untested build. Overall cleric2 its enough for the heals tbh and since im the “main” cleric of my party i just cant give up resurection (p1) for diev’s 2 silence or cleric’s 3 guardian :slight_smile: , it’s all a matter of choice, monk at the moment its in a good spot, in the end when my party’s blessing from pardoner runs out i can just throw mine every now and then, its always nice to have some extra damage even if its not the same as the pardoner buff its better than nothing specially in long term farm sessions where people dont want to go to a city each time bless runs out lol wich its very fast.

Quick edit: Diev1 feels enough too, laima 5 its just too good for your party members and for yourself :smiley: so there is that, im not saying you should take diev1 its up to you how many circles to take, im just saying that its something good to have :stuck_out_tongue:

hmmm thats the case… I;ll decide later on the rank 8… but I’m good until rank 7 so im going c3 cleric for the guardian plays style as well…
honestly my routine lately is just mission and dungeons… and saalus… I;m just making useful and different characters to farm silver, talt or shards… for the actual farming I used my other ones that are more effective in farming certain mobs.
I never once grinned any of my characters just mission and dungeons…
I also keep the ones I like if not… well reroll :smiley:

but thanks for all the feedback… I have a general idea now how to use monk ( i was still focus on the int build of clerics that i really need someone to teach me and make me understand how the playstyle works)

rank 8 will be a long time… but I can blitz it to 200 if i need too… thats why Im asking now… couz I will be using those free items from the compensation to level this one fast… :smiley:
thanks a lot

Oracle’s benifits can be scrolled.
Arcane energy 5 scrolls are cheap.

I have tested skipping inquisitor, and it is not worth it

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See that. Hope it helps with all your questions.

It’s true that almost all the skills of Priest 1-2 are buyable, but it’s too costly. Read more on the link.

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What do you think of P1 D1 instead of P2? Is a good char for ET?

I tested that. I think both P2 or D2 are better than P1+D1.

  • With P1 you have Ressurrection and Monstrance. It will save you silver for scrolls.
  • D1 will offer free teleportation (amazing) and the Carve Attack. The Statue of Laima offers -20 cooldown and a slow.
    Carve Attack is addictive.


  • P2 offers a great increase in your survive from Mass Heal and Revive
  • D2 makes your Statue of Laima paralyze all mobs (-30 mov speed), carve attack becomes HUGE on wheel combo.

For my experience both offer more at 2 than the mix of then. But it’s your call.

Carve attack can easily be replaced for more 4 hits of double punchs and it spend the same time. The paralyze statue is actually bad on ET, you want to mob, not stop then. At the end I choose priest for the extra support power when needed. Monk and Inquisitor already makes my damage for thenselves.

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I understand. Thank you for the explanation! :slight_smile:

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this link help me a lot to understand… thank you Q_Q

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do people even sell arcane energy scrolls, i have searched and i dont find any. im about to make a pardoner just to make my own scrolls

I see them a lot in the market place in klai server.

awesome i was about to make a pardoner to make my own scrolls. how about alch stam pots i have not had a chance to check if they are being made / sold. i’ve been a pleb and used npc ones for a while

Dunno bout that. been using the npc stam pills in klai/orsha due to being cheap and light.

I’m in telsiai arcane scrolls are rare… :confused: but i got a alch 330 ready to make stam potions just incase… I opted to build 1st an alch and a squire couz im heavy in repairs and pots… :smiley:

At Silute are easy to find, even lvl 5 or 10. But in my case I made a Pardoner to Scroll mostrance and arcane energy