Tree of Savior Forum

Pyromancer Why......?

First off id like to say I do enjoy my time playing this class, but there is a HUGE issue that needs to be rectified. The skill known as “Fireball”, is awesome and does great damage, BIGGEST CON anyone and everyone in the server can literally shut your dps down with this skill. NO ONE should be allowed to attack and move your ball but the player itself, its REALLY frustrating to cast throw it and watch it get thrown out of the aoe kill zone or a boss…well that was well worth the skill pts, and the biggest hurt is when you are out in the field grinding mobs, all I see is A ssholes kicking and moving my balls to the edge where they become worthless. PLEASE HELP FIX THIS RIDICULOUS FEATURE.


see the bright side - it allwoes your teammates to combo with those - (aka snowball can soak them up + mobs = damages the mobs inside) or can collect all your precious fireballs with my snowball during worldboss fights - its really fun to soak up 6 fireballs and roll near the wb with those xD ofc i could be an ass too and run around fields and annoy flithy fire mages by soaking up their fireballs and rolling away with those - but nah ima nice player- trust me xD


I actually love that combo in dungeons. I get excited when i party with C3 cyros.

Man that combo looks too awesome
I hope I get to see this during world bosses somehow :open_mouth:

make it an attribute whether you want to allow others to hit the ball or not…simple.

not really sure why it doesn’t already exist.


Well, when would you turn ‘allies can hit fireball’ on? In what situation is that a positive thing?

the issue is more of outside people kicking your balls, like people who intentionally kick them so you cant farm in other words removing you from farming.

during low levels the swordies would hit the balls as an offensive weapon in a few parties worked wonders.

in the higher levels the only time I could see turning it on is if I was with a cryo and we were doing the snowball combo.

Exactly it needs a on / off feature to let players decide if they want their balls man handled lol…

Well, otherwise how would you play firesoccer?

I believe they did it to prevent psy pressure combo. Very annoying indeed.
I like solution with attribute, you can rule that if your fireball “rooted” you can pressure it as well.

Lets make it better and petition for additional bounce effect on hitting the mobs. The more targets it hits the more silver you get.

Fire Pinball

I love Psy+FB combo :stuck_out_tongue: the fire"flower" i think its called, it creates is fun and hell damage, but its kind of a shame that it can be pushed by basic attacks of knights F.E sometimes onpurpose, sometimes by accident :stuck_out_tongue: hope they change the pushing by teamates, i’ll still enjoy FB tho.