Tree of Savior Forum

Pyromancer Skills

I’m looking into pyromancer skills and I want to know what are best overall/deal the best dmg overall.

Fireball, Flame Ground, and Fire Pillar.

Firewall might also be really good at high levels.


Is your bread and butter while solo. A powerful leveling tool. Using it creates a multi-hit explosive “trap” within melee range. They are not true AOEs in that while fireball can and will toast packs of monsters in a hurry, each time Fireball hits a monster, a “charge” is consumed. Level 5 Fireball is 5 hits. Level 15 Fireball is 15 hits. You can create up to 3 fireballs before the skill forces a cooldown.

It’s usable in parties but that takes some extra work on your part - the issue with fireball is that all melee swings knock them quite far from where you placed them. You can play that game, too, and knock them right back where you want them. This takes practice.

Pro tip: Hit a stack of fireballs with Psychokino’s “Psychic Pressure” for a special explosive attack! In CBT2 this did a LOT of damage. However, this knocks the fireball away from you, unless you place it carefully against a wall… Or up against a large boss monster!


A lower damage area control spell. Not as powerful as it was in RO, in my opinion, in terms of restricting monster movement. It’s another short range “trap”.

Enchant Fire:
A small radial buff to all party members nearby: grants most forms of attack extra fire damage, including your own spells! The amount granted is pretty small at higher levels, though. Worth taking to level 5 at the very least, so it can be up at all times.


I never used this, and don’t feel qualified to speak much about it. It seems kind of lacking to me.
Requires an enemy to be Burning, which is caused by Fireball with the appropriate attribute, or by the monster standing in Flame Ground (which is the circle you see in this video!)

Flame Ground:

A long range placeable damage AOE trap that deals constant damage to any ground enemies that enter the circle of fire. At high ranks it can be maintained continuously, dealing slow but dependable damage - unless the monster is flying.

Fire Pillar:

A higher damage Flame Ground that can also hit flying monsters. The cooldown is pretty long, though. Requires the 2nd Pyromancer circle.

Hell Breath:

An easy to use, medium damage AOE cone. Quick to cast and can knockback, but not very SP efficient. This flamethrower is somewhat useful in pvp.

Just to expand the above.

Fire Pillar have less AoE than Flame Ground, but it does 2 hits per second

Flare - You make a finger snap when using it, might be worth it for role-play purpose. Also, even if it doesn’t do damage it’ll still aggro enemies in its AoE so you can consider 1 point in it for AoE aggroing.

Flare give damage to enemies, but they have to be under effect of “Burning” debuff from Fireball passive or Hell Breath equiped with Karsto Staff.

Max level Firewall in iCBT2 was a little lackluster. It doesn’t block enemy movement at all aside from stopping them briefly due to taking damage. More than a few enemies will also just get hit once by it and the firewall tile will disappear, possibly due to AoE defense ratio or whatever. It doesn’t last very long too.

Hell Breath is just very inefficient really. The cone of attack is too narrow and also doesnt really stop enemies from pounding you into paste while you cast it at them, since the range isn’t very long either. You can get a knockback attribute on it, but I found it more to be a problem sometimes when you inadvertently remove enemies from traps and other spells like Fire Pillar.

Flare is remarkably lackluster.

I think every other Pyromancer skill is pretty good though, ESPECIALLY Fireball and Pillar.

I like pyromancer. But, i am not sure if is the best option.!