Tree of Savior Forum

Pyromancer - Fireball Knockaway

I think Fireball should only be able to be pushed/knocked away by the ORIGINAL pyromancer…

I am in parties in dungeon and 2 fireball can SOLO kill the whole group of monsters but it is always knocked away and it takes 2 mins to kill the monsters…

extremely annoying…

Same thing with bosses, fireball spam can melt bosses but it’s impossible to get the fireball on the boss with all the melee hitting it away and instead of me adding DPS i have to run in circles hitting fireball back…

Any thoughts/tips on this?

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Many threads already on this. But to be fair most topics/replies are all QQ and less constructive comments. I’ll throw in a few:

For dungeon, stand away from the melee in bosses. Drop the fireballs in this manner:

You (Fireball) |Boss| Melee/Tank.

Drop the fireballs at the boss’s ass and the melees wont hit it! Even if they do, if they hit in the same direction as the boss, the fireball will stick to the boss and not fly out.

IMO having push is a good mechanic if used with good intentions (melee helping to kick). I would prefer the implementation of only PARTY MEMBERS being able to kick fireballs. Because fireball griefing in world maps are a thing. /sadface

This only works if
-melee people are actually standing still, don’t change their position and never attack the boss from another direction
Depending on the boss and its aoes/hits this is usually unlikely.

-melees are standing in the same position as the tanks.
If you have the tank tanking the boss away from the group (like it’s usually done, to prevent the party from getting hit by frontal aoes) and melees hitting it from the back (which is how it’s usually done, so less people get hit by frontal aoes and some melees deal more damage by attacking the back of a target) you won’t have any place where you could put the fireballs.

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Bosses are almost never a problem tbh.

For very large mob groups, it can help to place fireballs just outside of the action. If there’s enough mobs you can activate the fireball hits (the active aoe radius is almost the same as flame ground) with less likelihood of it being knocked away immediately.

Medium and small groups I know it sucks but try the same as above; stack both fireballs on outlier enemies, preferably ranged mobs. Sometimes swordsmen will be smart enough to let it soak hits, sometimes they won’t.

Of course you could just not party DPS swordies in the first place. That’s a solution too right?..

If you have a Tank, you should have no worries!

This is because bosses act like a wall for fireballs (from my own observation). If the boss is stationary, and the fireball is between the melee and the boss, the attacks will knock the fireball into the boss and stay there as if it cannot pass through the boss.

This is tested by myself because even if there are no melee, I stand behind the boss, from 2x fireballs, and melee with Arde Dagger as that is my highest DPS.

Also, if there is a Safety Zone (with other melee inside), I can still from 2x fireballs and melee the boss, the fireball will stay between us and the boss.

Honestly, the only problem is swordies that go for style points (jumping side to side and hitting the boss from all angles). This happens usually when you have no tank (sometimes even with…) so in such cases it’s just too bad. Doesnt happen often, and only at lower levels from my experience!\

Hope I helped :slight_smile:

I appreciate your help and suggestions.
I did not know that fireballs stop when hitting a bosses hitbox. This is strange, i could’ve sworn that i can push fireballs through bosses. I’ll have to test that later myself.

However that still doesn’t change the fact that all these workarounds, like uber-careful positioning and telling tanks to not move (which in my opinion is bad, people should try to avoid aoes, even tanks, to make it easier for healers) would not be needed if simply others wouldn’t be able to push our fireballs around.

“Just don’t play with swordis” is not a good solution. Classes should not actively oppose eachother or make eachother less effective in partyplay.
And “hoping others will be smart enough to let it soak hits” is also not a good solution, relying on other party members to NOT help you kill things is completely backwards what party play is about.

Some solutions you listed are workarounds, but by no means should they be considered permanent solutions for the problem, and all these tedious workarounds would not be neccessary if, again, fireball simply wouldn’t be able to be pushed around by others.

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Don’t get me wrong man, I’m hoping for a rework as well.

Was joking with that last statement. As a developer why create such extreme counter-synergy between classes intentionally? I have a feeling melee classes were originally intended to have synergy with pyromancer, but it turned out to be completely the opposite in practical application.

There are other classes that have poor synergy with each other but pyro + dps swordsmen really takes the cake.

I think a good solution for it would be adding as an Atribute, so we can buy (for a cheap price, please) and then activate it as we wish. Don’t how hard it would be for the developers to implement it but for me it sounds easy and fair for players being able to decide their strategies with Fireball. Hope it doesnt sound stupid. :smiley:


Yeah I agree that would be so helpful!