Tree of Savior Forum

PyroKino3Sage2 vs WizEle3 Warlock

Hello everyone,

After some research, I found both of the build are very interesting
Now, I am struggled to choose which one to go forward with.
My main focus is PVE and want to be useful for end game content.
Please provide some opinion on the differences.
Many thanks in advance.

Both are good and will be useful for end game content. I’d say you should simply try one then the other and choose yourself depending on how you like each build.

Why not both?
20 charrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

The Sage build isn’t as effective for endgame. Wiz 3 > Ele 3 > Warlock 3 has been the meta build since ages ago because it has the highest AoE damage and can kill bosses very fast.

Rank 10 is on its way. Warlock is and will probably remain strong, but it’s a rank 7 class. Sage will get C3 in the next update, while the Warlock will have to pick up a filler rank. Many builds including rank 8 classes will probably get their damage output seriously buffed. That’s why I’d say level up both, you will have time to get a good impression on both builds… but don’t choose before rank 10 is out.

Wiz3 Ele3 Warlock3 - stable, has been a meta class build since Warlock1 I guess. Comparing both builds, this is the one that will give you the most output damage (spam skills like no tomorrow)

Wiz1 Pyro3 Kino3 Sage2 - it is based on combos: you have to combine mostly pyro and kino skills to deal decent damage. Sage2 is heavy hitter, but not a lot of skills to spam. SP hungry, have it in your mind. This build will give you so much control that your party mates will love you when doing content that forces you to deal with huge mobs.

Warlock will give you a little more efficiency in aoe dmg, but sage/kino can give you good enough aoe dmg and more performance in other situations like pvp. Kino is really good to this cause of raise, magnetic force, heavy gravity etc… and I know that sages have good pvp skills too.

I’ve already played a lot with an elememe of a friend and I have a Cryo/Kino3/Rune/Wl/Shadow2 and kino skills give me more fun than everything else.

Besides that, I’m really anxious with the coming r10 to see what shadow3 will add to my build (and I believe that Sage will give it to you too), while the elememe build probably will be overpast by the higher rank, and I cant see any filler to add something that really matter to its sinergy.

Ps.: To late content I think that you will need to make pair with a carver to use your sage combos without suffer too much with cooldown.

To the “sp problem”… you probably will have 3 chapparition like everyone, this will keep you using sp pots everytime anyway. Equip some spr gear (I think that 100 spr is all that u need) and don’t be worried about that (I’m a shadowmancer and don’t have any problems with sp).

Why elelock is so powerful? Because you can maintain several skills in same time. Kino is good, I really love Fire Fox/Gravity Pole combo on my kino-onmyouji, but you can do nothing else while casting. Same thing with Sage. Dimension Compession - cool skill, some crowd control, great damage… but such waste of time.
Now look on elememe. Here is skill rotation that I personally use:

To simplify calculations, let’s say that casting time of every skill is approx. 1 second (actually +/- depending on your reaction/ping/etc., but who cares). Thus we have about 6 seconds of peak dps… wait, what a coincidence - that’s ideal for chapparition card!

And now let’s count up our dps. Approximately, of course - I don’t have any dps meter:
Mastema Lv15 - 2033% (stigma hits have around 1/2 power of first hit, so 1016,5%)
Hail Lv15 - 1067% (I can’t say how many hits it deals with Falconer’s Aiming, but, for example, 5 per second)
Storm Dust Lv10 - 332% per 0.3 seconds
PoA Lv1 - 281% per 0.3 seconds
PoA Lv15 - 496% per 0.3 seconds
So we can get ((1016,5 + (281 + 496) * 3.3) * 1,5(lv5 drain boost) + (1067 * 5 + 332 * 3.3)) * 1,6(lv100 attributes) * 1,15(lethargy boost) * 1,3(chappa boost) = around 28200% per second. Add to this x2 Demon Scratch, Prominence and perhaps Flame Ground scroll (remember, you can do what you want for these 6 seconds).
Seriously, I don’t know how other classes can surpass this damage. IMC should give to Sage3/Onmyouji3 veeeeery devastating skills (or attributes) to reach the same power.

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I think at rank 9, elelock is still superior. The thing is, if one says that oh maybe sage3 will get more powerful skills than warlock, one can simply rank change to Wiz3>Ele3>filler rank>Sage3. I think the strong point about elelock is not just warlock but elementalist. Pyro3/Kino3 just do not pack the same punch as Ele3.

Elelememe at rank 10 can simply take shadowmancer for more dark abilities, although it doesnt have the c2 shadowmancer attributes, it adds to the rotation very nicely. Plus shadowmancer c1 isnt as sp draining as c2

Shadow1 don’t worth the rank, this class needs of 2 ranks to be usefull. I can think in only four possibilities to elememe in rank10.

Rune Caster, to be casting hail with rune of ice, to use giants to cross maps, protection and destruction are cool too.

Thaum to get some buffs, but they will be really poor.

Cryo, just to do ElectroPike combo.

Pyro to do the meteor combo.

As I said, anyone adds to much to the build.

I know that class of blood and bones have an debuff that boosts dark atks in 50%, that could be usefull too, but I know nothing about this one (not even remeber the name :B).

I think Runecaster seem to be the better choice. Pyro can be substituted with flame ground scrolls. Thauma1 is really outshone by full thauma supports and your rank would be useless when partied with another thauma. Not sure about Cryo.

Runecaster gives you 2 additional skills to cast during ele+warlock skill downtime and those skills are stronger than what pyro and cryo at c1 can provide.

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I agree with you, Icyruios.

But still have the featherfoot debuff to consider. I’ve research, the skills are kurdaitcha and bone pointing, they both apply curse that gives more 50% to dark atks. This could be really interesting to be using before pole, D. Scratch or Mastema (or before sending all spirits to the boss). Imagine it, 15% from passive skills, 50% from absortion, 30% of chappas than more 50% from curse. This is really insane dmg 6s of, almost literally, Hell.

Besides that, Rune of Justice makes a combo with mastema too. I’ve been hitting 200k in the boss of dg300 without op gear. ps.: both skills have really good aoe.

We don’t know yet all the things we should know about R10 I think. R10 will maybe add Master ranks they were talking about.

Master ranks? What is this? (I like how it sounds haha)

For lower-rank classes, which skill factors remain relatively low, we have plans to introduce a Master Circle (name undecided) which will expand their combat power and abilities to a level similar to those of higher-rank classes.

Why go PyroKino when you can have this!