Tree of Savior Forum

Pyro3 Builds Halp

Anyone can recommend a good pyro3 build?

I’m thinking between these builds:


Couple of questions;

  • PP+Fireball still works?
  • How bad was Linker nerf? Link1/2 still worth it?
  • Sage Micro and Ultimate dimension still useful for Pyro skills like previously advertised last R8 release?

Yay or nay? Anybody can recommend it’ll be really helpful. I just want a Fire-based mage.

Linker is crap now especially since there are ungrateful bastards who dont know how link works and just auto attacks linked mobs and it breaks. 8 hits they break iirc. It breaks so damn fast.

Linker is not recommended in party play anymore. It is only recommended in solo. Fireball micro dimension and linker interaction is a joke now. Thanks to imc and their so called balance (nerf)

I would suggest something like w1 cryo 3 pyro 2 wl 2 or w1 cryo 3 pyro 2 sage. Though not as powerful as elememes (duh) they are fun to play. Especially the w1 cryo 3 pyro 2 wl 2. Pyro 3 doesnt bring anything tbh.

Micro dimension still usable but fireball is so crappy that it immediately explodes upon contact. It works but still meh.

Kino don’t work well with Pyro anymore so that is out of the question. Below are a few options. They are not the best options, so yeah feel free to comment and critique


  • This build is good for bossing if you love Pyro3. Thauma buffs to increase your damage, + WL2 for PoA and Masterma as your main damaging skills.

The best pyro 3 build I can think of is Wiz Pyro 3 Thauma 2 WL2, full INT.

You’ll have warlock and pyro damage skills, with thauma’s buffs to help out your own damage and your party’s. Though I myself went Pyro 2 Thauma 3 instead, for maxing out the support side from Thauma (which’s stupidily good btw, just can’t forget to bring daino scrolls with yourself for group play).

Linker doesn’t work well with the low Skill facto (%) and multihit nature of most pyro and warlock skills (neither with random group play), given their very low amount of allowed hits.

Outside PvP (which’s a letdown by itself, let me start there), Kino has nothing really relevant to add to any wizard build IMO.

Sage is basically a Missile Hole buffer, and for PvP (especially our extinct GvG) it could be useful for zoning with fireballs, but that’s it.

If Drain gets relevant at Warlock 3, pyro’s enchant fire will have great sinergy with it. But besides that, both classes especializes in multihits, so both work well togetehr with + damage (like that of enchant fire, blessing, sacrament etc. ).

The only natural combo I can find for pyro that still works is chrono [stop]. Cast [stop] then dump as many [fireball] as you can and when [stop] ends BOOM!! 100 sec cd though so pft.

pyro3 kino3 sage is the closest to being useful, but has the following problems.

–fireball damage is too weak, even if you hell breath debuff then swap fireballs in
–fireball PP is weak, because it only activates on one fireball. and its super tricky to use.
–raise will not work with flame ground.
–going kino3 for surespell attribute means you don’t have surespell for pyro3 hell breath which may be necessary vs magic or range attacks. your only hope is raise will make up the difference (most boss attacks will be stopped by melee immunity)
–at least 3 gazing golem cards are REQUIRED for dealing with knockback (upcoming card update buffs this alot).
–you are stuck using agny and can’t wear the endgame necklaces.
–upcoming 5 overheats fireball will be super awkward with microdimension copy (5/6 copies used). micro does the same dps in most situations anyway, without bothering to copy.

overall, you will be a dps/CC char that is inferior to cryo3 in both DPS and CC.

I’m surprised they aren’t selling special cryo3 costumes.

I also wanted a fire themed mage, but i couldn’t stand it in actual gameplay (so damn weak) and deleted it to make a more useful cryo :sob:

My dream its dead.

I failed you Macha, im not worthy. I just wanted to throw fireballs and fly around like you do, please forgive me… :sob: