Tree of Savior Forum

Pyro2 or Linker2? Sorc3 or Necro2?

With the nerf to linkers, is it still wise to go linker2 or I should go for Pyro2 for easier levelling?

Im intending to go Wiz -> Pyro -> Linker -> Pyro/Linker -> Sorc -> Sorc -> Sorc
An alternative is Wiz -> Pyro -> Linker -> Pyro/Linker -> Sorc -> Necro -> Necro

Is Sorc3 worth it? I would wanna go Necro2 but I would need Sorc2 to control my summon so I am at a loss.

Someone who actually plays these classes will answer and help you in a better way than me but a word of advice?

Just plays with whatever you think it’s fun or cool to see on screen. Doesn’t worth trading fun for more power, trust me on this, if you’re not having fun playing the game, you’ll end up droping the character or even quit playing.

Hope you make a good decision and have fun playing the game :slight_smile:

I was Sorc -> Necro in iCbt and I really liked the gameplay(at least up to 200). However that was before they moved the essential skills like Hold and Raise Dead to higher circles, making it difficult for me to pick who should I go for. As for Pyro2/Linker2. I was Pyro2 in iCbt, not very sure about the differences in levelling for a Pyro2 vs Pyro1 with an added Linker2. Is the Linker2 worth a slower levelling speed at lower levels? Furthermore, are the Pyro2 skills still viable at higher lvls(200+).

I’d say that this is really up to you to decide which path to go. I myself decided to go for Wiz > Pyro > Linker2 > Sorc3 because I like the gameplay of that class and i am not really fond of the Necro. Plus, the problem is that we are limited to 7 ranks atm, so you can’t fully use the potential of both classes yet.

If you really want to control several summons, I’d suggest to go for Wiz > Pyro > Link2 > Sorc > Necro2, then grab the C2 Sorc when Rank 8 come out. You’ll have to learn how to manage your Sorc’s Summon though.

Also, as @moises_andre12 stated when i asked for build advice on the wizard build topic, Link2 is highly recommended since it allows you to link 8 mobs instead of 5 from Link1, thus increasing your damage output. I cannot tell about the levelling part, but i do think this is worth every penny going this way.

linker still is a godsend class even after this “pseudo” nerf people are speaking…For me Sorc3 is méh at best as a Rank7 class, there is better stuff to get for a pvp or pve build.
Sorc rank 1 alone is useless, pick better stuff instead…

Useless in thinking that you can do the game your way and expect the summon to follow you in the way you think it should. The AI right now is pretty bad, but if you stay close enough to the mob/boss you want him to hit, he will hit it.

The best vids I saw regarding sorc were sorc1 necro2, simply because it’s too much to waste a rank only for controling a mob that auto-attacks already.

If you get Sorc3 there’s a point, summons level 15 are much stronger and familiar at level 15, with linker, does massive damage.

Even saying that I believe sorc 1 necro 2 goes better, simply because you can summon a sh*tload of monsters and just let them beat 8 monsters at the same time because link.

You can think about changing wiz>pyro2 for wiz3 if you don’t want to go summoning all the way to rank 10, but if that’s your intention (maybe necro 3 sorc 3 or shadowmancer if it summons shadows or something) than wiz3 is not worth it.

I am Wiz -> Pyro -> Linker -> Thaum -> Sorc -> Necro -> Necro in kToS.
My thoughts:
Sorc 1, AI for Summoning sucks, first shot fired is mostly in the opposite direction. It will stop attacking and follow you around if you move away while it is hitting mobs or boss. It is great with Temple Shooter card. Sorc 2 have better control over your summon but this means you cannot go Necro 2 for Raise Dead. Raise Dead skeletons are great and attack fast. Very aggressive.

With my above build, I have a team of Summon, Salamion, Shoggoth, Familiar x 5, Skeleton x 5 following around.

I am INT with some CON build with no stat increase for SP. I sustain my Summon with Alchemist L10 SP Pot easily.

Hope that helps.

Edit: I go Thauma for Transpose. My intention was to summon then Transpose. It raised my HP and maintain my summons damage. Too bad there was a change to Transpose. Recast Transpose will reset my HP and I have heal it back to full after recasting.

Can you still buy corpse pots in kToS? I remember they offered corpse pots in iCbt. Gonna be a pain to collect corpses to maintain skeletons if they are no corpse pots =(.

Is Linker2 that great compared to Linker 1? I know it increases the amount of links from 5-8, but lets say I go for Linker 1, I can use Joint Penalty gem to increase it to 6 instead of 5. So essentially it is 2 more linked targets for Linker2, not sure if it is worth losing a rank in Pyro?

Linker C2 is better for sake of partying, it is better for your life in R6-R7