Tree of Savior Forum


So, I’m making a supportish wizard and the idea of being a linker and chrono is really appealing and fun to me, but what I want to know is how painful it is to level such a support-oriented build? I’m taking pyro 1 precisely to add a bit of firepower, but is it enough to make levelling an alright issue?

Or should I just go for another fast levelling build for now and reset to chronolinker when the changes hit in a few months?

It should be easier then you think matey.

Pyro1 early is still a boss killer and very easy to level as.
Linker will go well nicely with that to help with the AoE farming and questing.
By the time you get to chrono you should be able to use the Agny Necklace and Arde Dagger wich is whats gonna make your build work.
After that wen you get later into the game it might get kinda grindy but soon as you can do group content like group grinding and such you should have a much easier time.
By the time you get Chrono3 it should be alot easier for you and then Sage to top it off.

Id give it a go, it sounds like a pain to level but in practice it should alot easier then one might think :slight_smile:

That’s really refreshing to know. :smiley: Thanks for the answer, man. Appreciate it.

No worries bud, i leveled alot of toons before trying Pyro and i remenber the huge diference in damage early, even just as a c1 it was amazing, pair that with Linker and youll be just fine.~

Key is gonna be Agny and Arde, those 2 items are gonna make your c1 feel like a monster :slight_smile:

My 2cents, go for the build, if anything it will keep you busy till the patch and will teach you more about the classes :slight_smile:

advice… x8 exp and instant clear dungeons :smiley: you need 4 in total to hit 100 from 50… :smiley:

if you dont got access to that… well… pardoner buffs are the way to go if your low on skills set :smiley: