Tree of Savior Forum

Pyro/Sorc or Cryo/Sorc?

Hello. I am a new player currently really interested in going down the sorcerer path. Currently, I have a c2 cryo and a c1 pyro. Im just not too sure which of the following two builds will be better in the mid-late game.

Build 1 - Wiz - Cryo C3 - Sorc C2 - Warlock C1
Build 2 - Wiz - Pyro C2 - Linker C1 - Sorc C2 - Warlock C1

  1. What is the difference between frost pillar and simply a linker’s joint penalty + hangman’s knot (apart from the no. of mobs hit). Linker seems to have a lower cd as well.

  2. Which of the two builds would you recommend in terms of mid-late game potential?

  3. What would be a good stat distribution? Less in SPR because sorcerer’s mana usage is %-based and more on CON?

  4. A side question about subzero shield. Is it worth putting points in? I have 1 point in it now and I find it rather lacklustre, would the points be better spent in ice bolt/ice pike?

Any help by experienced wizard players would be greatly appreciated!

1st: Put all the points you can in subzero shield if you plan to pvp. It’s super good once the freezechance goes over 50%.

2nd, both are good builds, imo, it would just be different with each one. Cryo would be safer, relying on the summon’s damage, freezing enemies while that’s happening, and pyro would just be all sorts of damage happening at the same time, but isn’t as safe.

Lastly, one rank of linker doesn’t compare with frost pillar. Frost pillar is much better at gathering mobs together, but because it doesn’t share damage, you get even more damage from everything that hits in that second build.

If u want to play with sorc 2 and warlock, better pic build 1