Tree of Savior Forum

Pyro Psycho Help for rank 8+9+10

Hey Guys,
i made some suggestions and theory crafting about pyro psycho and i fond myself ending with W1 Pyro3 Psycho3 Sage 3.
The Problem is, that i kind of dont like Sage C2 and 3 new skills. (i know Micro dimension is pretty good skill)

So i questioned myself, what i can do instead of sage and thought of going Ele 3, leading me to the following build.

i might skip hail for Freezing sphere and Stone curse… i know that i dont have surespell to get cast immunity - therefore i only would take meteor and maybe hail - as casting skills.

Id like to know what you think about this kind of build and if i havent take verything into account

What about Warlock3? Flame Pillar+PoA double pillar combo. PyroKino is great at AOE but lack single target damaging skills, so Masterma+Demon Scratch could really help a lot.

Pyro3 + Psychokino3 is decent. You have a lot of skills to cycle so don’t feel forced to spam all skills. Some options with better performance without surespell:

Warlock3 ending rank, Baubas Cave Lv370 hunting grounds

Onmyo1 + Shadow2 ending rank, challenge mode

oh hi grey - long time no see :stuck_out_tongue:
Yeah - the shadowmancer one looks better for me i think… Psycho is good for holding things in place while over time effects rip them.
The core idea is to use Flame ground + Meteor and Ele fire attribute for extra explosions - prominence, hail and storm dust for more over time dmg…
Even stone curse would boost fire and psycho dmg…
I dont know… but it sounds nice on paper - Omni is an option too but i dont like this pay for all skills u use :confused:
So… using stonecurse lvl 5 and maybe freezing spehere 10 instead of hail 15 soulds like a choice too.
I just dont know if the lak of R7+ Class would kill this build in end game :slight_smile:

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That player took Omni for the fox attribute (need level 1 fox):
-change psychic pressure to fire + increased range
-adds 1 extra fire-hit to each hit of Gravity Pole (doubled damage)
Fox is a casting skill though so remember to use fire pillar to lock mobs first.

I think shadowmancer3 would be ok too. Covers the single-target bossing damage with (heavy gravity+) shadowthorns.
Fire pillar, Flame ground + heavy gravity + x2 shadow conjuration (damage over time) + flare spam -> hell breath.
Shadow condensation, magnetic force + fire ball + psychic pressure.
Gravity pole optional disable until cooldowns refresh.
And you have a lot of pyro + psychokino AoE to hit infernal Shadow’s clone + the real boss after x4 shadowthorns.

I have not seen pyro3 + psychokino3 + elementalist3 endgame yet. Compared to a warlock or shadowmancer version I think this build lacks a bit of damage for bossing. The casting interrupts would be annoying too but a wizard2 surespell friend will solve that problem. Maybe someone has tried this build and could comment more on it.

Welcome back (to forums?) Sascha :wink: good to have you back

yeah its been a while but i thought i could test rank 10 to see what changed :wink:
After all Sage is not a good option for me … even if some skills are decent…
Omni is good - Shadow too (i like shadowmancer x3)
Iam not sure if taking Omni 1 for fox is not a bit of a waste. Shadow 3 on the other hand sounds interesting…even if i have to do this anoying quest again…
I dont like taking a hole circle just for 1 skill :confused:
But i will take shadow 3 into account.
I Mean, i like ele but beeing interruptabel…makes me feel uncomfortable :confused: thats the reasen why i ask. Pyro Psycho is decent at everything - no doubt and fun to play too.
Heavy gravity would eliminate shadowmancers lack of damaging flying enemies… too many good options - rly :confused:

I agree with you and greyheim about shadowmancer. In my opinion psychokino synergizes best with shadowmancer considering how weak shadowmancers are to flying mobs (the only flaw I see in shadowmancer…). Shadowmancer’s superb single target damage combos well with the AoE of pyro and psycho.

I’m not sure how powerful the onmyoji attribute is, but shadow2 should be OK if you really decide to go onmyo-shadow2. Inferno shadow is best when you have linker I think.

So…how about this one then ?

iam not sure if shadow clone 5 is useful in this build - would skip it and go conjuraion max or lvl 14 instead tbh