Tree of Savior Forum

Pyro/Linker Needs Help

Hello there. So i recently saw this thread and now i am at a dilemma. I have no ktos or Above lvl 100 experience so i am questioning my choice to go SorcC2 later.

My original play was PyroC1>LinkerC2>SorcC2>WL/Feather.

But hearing that Sorcs really doesn’t seem to be a good choice atm i am driven to change my build. Atm i am PyroC1>LinkerC1… So what would be my option if i want to not take the Sorc Pathway?

Many thanks to all helpfull people…

Nobody any insight into the state of the sorcerer?

Who said that your original build was bad? I think your build is good.

I ll be Pyro1-Linker2-Sorc2-Warlock1

And I will take a lot of fun from playin Sorc2.

Ah okay. Then i guess i will try it too. Do have any Idea which skills are good for Sorc? I often see Builds deciding between Salamion and Familiars but they allways take summon 5

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I think your build is fine. But be painfully aware in ANY game classes that have summons are usually riddled with bugs. AI programming is so bad sometimes, most of it is bare-able and not entirely game breaking.

But on a positive not Summons for life :smiley:. . . because its lonely. . .T _ T