Tree of Savior Forum

Pyro linker attributes?

Not sure if these attributes are even worth learning? Firebal burn debuff sounds good but the 8s cd is a huge downside? Hangman’s knot:additional damage sounds good though. Not really sure how does the rest of the attributes work though… Any veterans can give advice on this?

Fireball: Burn Debuff
Enemies hit by [Fireball] have a 10% chance per attribute level to receive flame damage for 5 seconds. [Burn] damage is based on the character’s INT.

Hangman’s Knot: Additional Damage
Enemies hit by [Hangman’s Knot] will receive additional damage equal to 20% magic attack per attribute level.

Hangman’s Knot: Splash Defense
Decreases the AoE Defense Ratio of the enemies gathered through [Hangman’s Knot] by 1 per attribute level.

Joint Penalty: Earth
Deals 10% additional damage per attribute level of the Earth property attack to enemies affected by [Joint Penalty].

Joint Penalty: Lightning
Deals 10% additional damage per attribute level of the Lightning property attack to enemies affected by [Joint Penalty].

Joint Penalty: Poison
Deals 10% additional damage per attribute level of the Poison property attack to enemies affected by [Joint Penalty].

you will need splash def JP all of those 3 att incase u have property dmg.

It also assist your team mates if they are the 3 of the above.

Burn debuff sucks and waste ur links . additional damage is broken so dun touch it. It also wastes ur link

hangman’s knot splash defense is very good.

the joint penalty earth, lightning and poison damage attributes are recommended but depends on you. example, featherfoot skills are poison based which means they benefit from poison damage increase. if you see a taoist or krivis on your team, lightning damage attribute will help them a lot.
earth property, i can only think of cataphracts but even then it depends on whether they have the earth prop. attribute.

fireball burn debuff causes cool down to become too long.

hangman’s knot additional damage isnt very good. when you jp fireballs to mobs, using hangman’s knot will cause your fireballs to be hit away from the group. this results in less overall dps as a fireball acts like a mob.

cool, this pretty much sums up what I need to learn for the attributes. I’ll probably just get the splash defense and property damage later on when I’m higher level.