Tree of Savior Forum

Pyro 3 or Wiz 3?

Hello i want to play this build but idk i have this options

pyro3-link2-thau2-sage or enchanter
wizz-3link2-thau2-sage or enchanter
Wizard3 Cryomancer3 Warlock1

any suggs? Please

pyro3-link3-sage maximum pyro-link potential

pyro2-link2-thau2-sage very good farmer

Personally i’m going for pyro3-link2-thau2.


any suggestion on which path to choose?

link3 if u need maximum potential of pyro

don’t forget that link has hit limit before link break
that 10hit each skill level
and those 4 balls combo doing 100hit in few second

linker is the best class that synergy with pyro

i’m not suggest any linker below c2 in any pyro build

wiz3 is meh, it’s only boost 17-18% of pyro skill power

unless u always party with other linker

then u can pick wiz3pyro3lock2 and let them support you

otherwise i’m not suggest anything more than link3 in pyro3 build

link2-lock link2-ff is fine too if you want to play

What do you want to do with the build?
Pyro 3 main point vs Wizard 3 is that agny necklace actually allows it to have a very good bossing potential, being better at soloing bosses and other single target related stuff.

Wizard 3 main point is its ability to boost every magic damage by 50%.

With linker 2/3, both wiz3 and pyro 3 potential sky rocket. Pyro 3 does better due to having better bossing as well and agny being more effective at boosting fireballs damage.

Sage 1 does good, but the duplicated fire ball is equal to a lvl 1 fire ball. The overall set up time might be worth it if soloing bosses, but in parties, it kind of falls.

Linker2-thauma2-enchanter is a good farming build. Both work with wiz3 and pyro2 as well.

Cryo 3 is a support class, not damage. Dont combo wiz3 with cryo3.

quick cast is joke in pyro build if u look at formula

damage = (pyro skill *quick cast) + (agny multiplier)

if fire ball damage is100

fire ball damage with agny is 380
fire ball damage with quick cast is 150
fire ball damage with quick cast is just 430

did u see something

it’s just a 13-17% improvement, not a real 50% like quick cast with other skill

while linker can set up fire ball combo like this

so linker is always better than wiz3 for pyro
unless u play hybrid pyro (pyro-lock, pyro-ff) that wiz3 boost damage from those class
or u always party with other linker (ex. link2-chrono3) who can setup for your combo