Tree of Savior Forum

Pyro 3 is it worth it?

so is pyro 3 worth getting at all? ive read that hells breath isnt all that great but getting more points in the other three skills like flame pillar, fireball and flame ground…
the reason im asking is im having a hard time chosing from pyro 3 or linker 2 and linker 2 really only has jp but it only gets you 8 links at level 10.

The rationale behind getting pyro3 is mostly because “multi hit” skills scale much better with intelligence / weapon upgrade bonuses than single hit skills. 15 hits on fireball compared to 10 means you’re getting an extra 50% mileage from stuff like Arde Dagger or weapon stats. But asking this question is largely pointless without knowing what your plan is up to R7.

well im going alch as the last two. sorry i should have put that.

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Go Pyro 2 Linker 1 Sorc 1, That’s what i’m gonna do with my Alchemist.
Many said Pyro3 doesn’t worth it and linker 2 is too weak (only if you gonna be support or rely on parties). Get Sorc 1 for my recommend

Honestly, I personally think going Pyromancer + Alc is a huge mistake. Alc is inherently a support class which means your DPS is always going to be gimped compared to pure DPS classes.

If i was gonna play a maxed out Alc I would have probably taken support classes from 2-5 (Like maybe Wiz-Cryo-Link-Link-Link-Alc-Alc)

Your dps is gonna be mediocre even if you’re max pyro since your R6/7 are used for a support class. I think Linker2 is a better way of salvaging your build though.

Well maybe he just wants to get to Alchemist as soon as posible so he can sell pots and stuff with his alchemist

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well the thing is this isnt my main class, this is just for pots and what not. so i don’t mind the whole im losing out on stuff and yeah i know its not a pure dps class.
but the only thing in linker 2 is jp like is it really worth getting circle 2 just for 3 more links at the the end compared to raising all your fire skills?

also i dont want to go sorc 1 because only getting one cirlce in sorc is kind of meh, you dont make full use of sorc so its sort of a waste to get just one circle in it.

If its just a pot mule then yeah go pyro3 for fast leveling

Hey don’t stop people from becoming alchemist. We need our potion in market.

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i just needed some insight what would be better for the final circle before alch. since both cirlces have their pro’s and con’s

pyro is a breeze up until lvl 200.
idk more than that. it willl fall off without linker2.

Going wiz>pyro>linker>pyro>sorc>alc>alc is pretty awesome. I just hit R7 and its still pretty awesome.

Better start making some money before the Alc bots floods our servers just as they did Korea.

like how good is your sorc right now since you dont really have skills for your pet and how long does it last?

Can someone put build for alchemist?