Tree of Savior Forum

Pyro 2 vs. Pyro 3 Linker

I can’t decide between a Pyro 2 Linker 2 or a Pyro 3 Linker 1. I see a lot of people saying Pyro 2 is basically trash and even Pyro 3 is lack luster. Most people told me in game it comes down to solo vs. party play. Pyro3 Linker would be better for soloing, which is how I play most of the time whereas Pyro 2 Linker is much better for parties in the later levels since you’ll be in demand.

Factoring in a possible Dandel Gem I lean more toward Pyro3 Linker 1 now even though I had my heart set on Pyro 2 Linker 2. I’ve seen people say Pyro in general is forgettable but at this point im choosing one or the other.

Is Pyro 2 really so terrible?

Pyro 2, isn’t that terrible. Due to inevitably being a rank 2 class, damage wise it would fall off (unless you attribute some of the skills.) Nevertheless the utility you get from linker 2; spiritual chain and more linked mobs are good. Linker 2 would never fall off in terms of usability, and has further uses on end content.

Also do note that pyro would benefit with the upcoming rank 8 sage class.

Thanks for the input. I’ll be going Alch 3 though so Sage won’t play into it for me at all. Ive heard people say linker 2 is also bad though since it doesnt improve JP by much compared to Linker 1 with a Dandel Gem and Hangman’s only gets +1 second and Spiritual Chain only shares a few specific buffs in the game rather than all party buffs.

Reading all that about Pyro 2 and Linker 2 made me doubt it as something viable.

You get additional +3 linked mob which could be debatable since the higher maps mobs literally accounts for a single boss hp, The things is, it’s pretty hard to get a dandel gem without dedicating a lot of time in the game (or else you can buy or trade it). I believe you’re aiming for the homonculus utility then linker 1 is fine as it is, nevertheless, Pyro 2 and even pyro 3 would fall off on the damage chart without the back up of attributes and potentially sage.

What would you recommend then? From what youve told me it sounds like my original desire, Pyro 2 Linker 2, is the way to go.

Linker 2 or Linker 3.

You will want to get into grinding parties as you won’t do anything Solo with Pyro (as DD) only after some point.

At the point you want to get into parties, the more ranks of linker you have the easier it gets.

As long as you keep all mobs over Flame Ground, in the way it is currently, even Pyro 1 can finish a pack of 10 linked mobs.

Thanks for the input. I think I’m settled on what I originally wanted to go Pyro 2 Linker 2.

Started to doubt everything because I saw people reacting so negatively to both in various threads.


in a DPS build, where you don’t take Alchemist, you would rather go Wiz 3 instead of Pyro 1/2 simply because Pyro skills can’t catch up to +50% damage on high rank skills.

On an alchemist build, you need to get into parties, Linker 2~3 can do that for you. I’d go Pyro > Linker 3 if I were you but it’s a matter of preference.

Good luck.

I considered Pyro 1 Linker 3 for a bit but I didnt wanna give up solo ability since the only time I’ve partied so far was for Alemeth on my Warlock and even then I was still able to solo but chose to party to make it easier.

I still wanna be able to solo bosses and some dungeons and I don’t think Pyro 1 is capable of that? Or is it?

Stick with pyro2 linker2. As someone that has gone pyro1 linker3 before, I can safely say that you’ll start having some difficulty questing once you hit lv150+ maps(shaton reservoir etc); lv5 fireball just don’t cut it anymore with monsters having 5 digit hps.

Also, with the impending linker nerf to what it was before, I cannot recommend going just pyro1, unless you don’t mind spending silvers on leveling your attributes to a decent level…

Thanks, always welcome hearing people’s firsthand experiences. Think I’m going P2L2 like my original plan.

Pyro2-Linker3-Warlock1 here, enchanter wannabe

I have no problem solo anything up to storage, get an Ignition and stack some elemental property damage. Even sometime I solo evac
It still very strong

I am pyro 3 link 2. lvl 200
For solo, this is amazing. Fireball + joint kill everything fast, when in cd, u can use pillar + flame ground, kill another big group os mobs, then, use fireball + joint again, then use firewall to kill another group, fireball + joint again and again and again.
For boss the combo with 4 fireballs and joint is all u need for kill it just with this.
In dungeons/grind unless u have a tank, u cant control the mobs, so your damage will fall, but u always will have Joint to help your party.

But if i put it on a table…

P3L1 Pros
-can use firewall (its useless before lvl 12/13), on high levels is a great damage dealer
-More hits for your fireball
-A giant firepillar (the size grows on lvl 5 and lvl 10)
-More 50% to your fire damage with hell breath (need a bit of luck)

P3L1 Cons

-Can link just 5 mobs
-Ice mobs destroi your firewall
-Cant share buffs.

P2L2 Pros

-All utility of l2 provides.
-Dont need firewall, so u have more points to share
-can link 7 fireballs in a enimy, one hit in pvp.

P2L2 cons
-Your damage will fall faster
-No firewall or hell breath in your rotation
-Firepillar strucked on lvl 5 size.

If I were to take Pyro 3, would it be a mistake to put 0 points in Hell Breath? I had some friends tell me 1 point in it is enough but to be honest it seems fairly useless to me even with the attributes. I wouldn’t take Fire Wall either so those 2 skills wouldn’t be in my rotation. Does it matter much that a Pyro 3 wouldn’t have Hell Breath or FIre Wall?