Tree of Savior Forum

Pvp-Pve Wiz3/Cryo3/Runecaster and a few questions

In this build it was designed to be a pure damage and some control for Pvp

Wiz priority=

some points in shield

Cryo priority=
and maybe ice pillar and ice shield

Runecaster Priority=
1or±Rune Ice(it dont need to be 5 points),
5-Rune of destroction

Quickcast give +50% damage for all spells while active and it will be nice for Sleep and Runecast spells in pvps

What about this setup?

im working in this build yet, and i was thinking in another mixed setup with Chrono or elementalist and maybe alchmist, causes!:

  • Elementalist- Eletrocute
  • Chrono- More Controll!!!
  • Alchmist- MONEY! haha, really, i dont know what to think about alchmist, is that a nice choice to be a main character?
    Lets discuss! :smiley:

what’re you going to proc your ice wall with… auto attacks?

You need PP for it to be effective.

well, since this will not have psycokino, i will not focus in this combo,
i was thinking in mass damage with QuickCast ->Ice Rune ->Bolt and Pike
In Bonus it is 300%Damage fromIceRune + 50%FromQC atributes

and For PvE Aoe, we got Runecaster AttackSpells with QuickCast and MagicMissle.

Magic missile damage falls off starting from rank 5;

it’s not even worth investing attributes into it.

The only reason people go for cryo/rune combo is for the icewall, if you don’t take it, it’s kind of wasted. You don’t need wiz 3 to cast ice rune;

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but in Pvp scenario, i was thinking to use the skills this way:
QC for CastingSpells like sleep and buffs, and then you can go for offensive starting with rune attackspells, and then using channaling or instants,Snarring the target(IceRune). and maintaning CC…

RuneCaster with Wiz3 got a nice “Rune Caster: Skilled Casting”
50% chance to receive QC LvL5 Spell beneficies after any RC Skill

well all of this is hypothetical i didnt tryed this build yet, Wiz>Chrono>Psico>RuneC look like work well too,

Magicmissle really isint a priotyskill

and what about Elementalist with eletrocute?

i would suggest keeping pve and pvp characters separate. make two.
if you have half and half u just get a mediocre build.
or make a pve character that u just use to pvp for fun.

PVP u want cyro3, psycho3, or linker3
PVE u want different things depending on support or dps oriented.
dont expect ice rune to increase dmg to anything but icewall+pp combo.

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