Tree of Savior Forum

[PVP] Linker: is it good?

New player here, only 1 month playing with 4-5hrs playtime only on saturdays and sundays - i got work hehe.

First of all, After maximizing my level(might took me months lol), I’ll be a Full Time PvP player.

As far as i know, linker is a really great filler class on any builds on PvE. The “JP + HK + -insert AoE damage skill-” combo makes leveling/grinding easy.
But in PVP, does JP+HK combo work?

“Imagine 5 enemy players linked and bind in a one place?”
^ but I’ve got doubts on it since I can’t find any video/forum about linkers on TBL. (and its too OP to be true)

Any experienced player that can enlighten me about Linkers.

Linker is not good with multi hit builds as it breaks easily. Linker is bad now. Really bad. I’m not exaggerating.

Linker works good on featherfoot for kundela slash. Joint+ hk+ kundela.

Solo play it is good.

Party play it is useless trust me.


Linker can be use for party play but probably not with random player.

There was a video of solomik with 2 linker3 / chrono. No cryo3 and 2 dopple. They clear really fast.
Linker can have it use but as Cakester said for random party play isn’t the best.

For PvP.
-Nerf of damage incoming (By like 50% or something)
-Random party breaking your link with poke damage
-Immunity spell (Not sure what counter JP but there probably a cleric pvp build that use it)
-Guy link but walking away before you got time to HG.
-Yourself getting cc
-Nobody being close enough for link.


Linker is a mistake

I think they need an attribute where other peoples’ hits do not count towards JP and also do not spread their damage to JPd mobs/people.

I hate it when you get people using low damage multihits on mobs when I can blow them away.

Linker requires a well-organized party to be properly used in a group. Joint Penakty is not useful when others play the game with their asses, basically.

Maybe we will see some use to it when pre-made TBL matches become a thing.

linker used to be strong with bounce points so you could catch people with it, like fireball/dirty pole/their own pets. however now you can no longer hit the fireball/pole to pass damage- it will just do 1 damage to the enemy. this was also a nice boss killing tool… but… ignition is literally the only thing it’s good for now.
full SPR lifeline also no longer gives your team status resist.
pyro1link3necro3, once ?the strongest? tbl wizard, is dead. not undead. get it? hyuk hyuk

random, weak allies and link immune monsters also make linker a losing proposition… especially in party and dungeon ques. Solo farming, linker is VERY strong.

In PvP, veteran players don’t necessarily stick close to one another, so joint penalty will be both hard to land and hard to take advantage of once it lands. It is also blocked completely by clerics with things like Oracle’s Foretell skill.

Hangman’s knot does not stun players or anything in pvp. It has too long of a cast time in PvP for what it does (essentially just pulls the players to one place, which they can run out of immediately.

Playing as a linker featherfoot in PvP, the only times I’ve ever used joint penalty efficiently were when my teammate was being focused by multiple enemies, and I could successfully use joint penalty and an AoE skill immediately after. Instakills the enemies usually, but it’s a rare moment because players are wary of a wizard being in range of them, so they will run away from you or charge towards you with skills that will punish you for trying to approach them.

All in all, the answer to your thread’s title is no.

The main problem in PvP with linker is that Hangman Knot does not bind players on place. It just sucks them in one point and they can run immidiately after that.

Made my day.

On the topic: Linker is pretty good with Kyno+Featherfoot build. Magnetic field -> Raise -> Joint Penatly -> Blood curse -> All dead.