Tree of Savior Forum

PvP Corsair Build




hmm which corsair would you go with if you have pvp in mind for end game. Im leaning towards the first one

Corsair C3 is very lackluster. A fencer C1 will serve u better in pvp.

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hmm I see and you mean same build just make rank 7 a Fencer?

Anymore suggestions and tips

A fencer serves no purpose in the current PvP meta game.


Yea I think corsair c3 or corsair c2 with shinobi rank 7 will serve better

Shinobi is the standard PvE route since it offers you little in the way of PvP utility, but offers a quite substantial dps increase. Factor that the skill that allows them such a damage spike(clones) also makes them easily 1-2 shot-able in PvP. Still if your primary goals is melting bosses, Shinobi is without a doubt the way to go. Hoplite would be my recommendation if that is your goal.

Corsair C3 offers much less in the way of damage but offers much more utility. It provides you range, a means of doing nice damage while ccing, improved CC time, a notable Dps increase on hexen dropper(despite what you may hear from others).

As the Self Proclaimed Best Fencer in kTOS and iTOS, I must agree~

Hmm this sounds good … Would love to continue hearing more inputs

I was on the same boat and i made a couple of swordsman friends( lvl 200+ ). I tell you what i know.

  • Most people who have corsair c3 that i have talked to are happy with their choice. Most people however says that c3 is a bad choice, and there is better choices.

  • swordsman c2 is bad for pvp or pve. For pvp you want swordsman c3 or leave it at c1.

  • if you dont mind solo dont take pelt but most of the swordsman that didnt take pelt regret their choice. Without pelt you will miss a lot of group/ party play which imo ToS is all about group/party pve play

  • As a lvl280 wizz i hardly saw any swordsman without pelt on party play when leveling 240+ Maybe they solo somewhere…

  • restrain level 10 + cyclone is a op combo.

  • Lastly. This game is all about building something that you are happy with it, you can get to 280 with any build, and atm everybuild is viable (at least until kTos changes are implemented).
    Some are more meta and prooven better for pvp like swd3->cata3->goon or wizz->ele->war for pve but that can change at any day with balance changes.

Edit: I didnt mean to reply to xechidna. But for the post it self. Sorry

I see so what did you end up going with?

Sw2-Hop2-Cor3 if you have balls to level it


what do you mean by that? Because people wont want me in the parties later on you mean?

Currently Sw2, I was thinking of picking up barbarian and going c2 with that then corsair c3

If you badly want barbarian for PvP (which is not an optimal choice tbh, as Hoplite have Long Stride to be used with Hook and Spear Lunge to double Hexen and Pistol dmg… and Finestra godly opness… and also barb is slash dmg, which is the worst in PvP as everyone will wear plate), I suggest you go Sw2-Barb3-Cor2 instead. Giant Swing is fun and has it’s uses in PvP, even with it’s long cd.

Still tbh, don’t go barb. It’s trash tier [sigh]. Even tho personally I like it.

I mean that without peltasta, after lvl 211**THE SUFFERING STARTS :3** I’m lvl 259 Sw2-Hop2-Cor3 btw. And having no peltasta is NOT FUN. But I can stun with Pistol Shot.

I’m a level 255 Swordsman C2 -> Barbarian C2 -> Corsair C2 -> Shinobi

I would advise against Corsair C3 if you are looking for PvP.

The only things you get from Corsair C3 that affect PvP are

  • Potential longer hook duration (Unneeded)
  • Higher hexen dropper damage (Useful, but you get more damage/utility from going another class)
  • Access to pistol usage (Mana-mana is great)

It’s better to grab a class in Doppel/Shinobi/Etc… in my opinion.

If you want to be PvP Corsair, I would advise one of these three builds:

a) Swordsman C3 -> Barbarian -> Corsair C2 -> Shinobi

This build gives you Swordsman C3, known for its strength with Level 10 Restrain, and it gives you double slash for Shinobi (Clones can use Swordsman attack skills and Kunai)

Furthermore, DWA with Restrain Lvl 10 allows you to permastun an enemy into place. Barbarian is mainly for helm chopper and cleave. Chopper for utility, cleave for the x2 damage against choppered enemies. Corsair C2 is for the obviously strong Hexen Dropper and godlike PvP Hook. If you manage to hook an enemy at close range, you can get 5 Bunshins, and double slash spam a completely CC’d enemy to death. You can also Kunai of course. Personally, I would choose this build for the current state of the game.

b) Swordsman C2 -> Barbarian C2 -> Corsair C2 -> Shinobi

This is the build I use, and is similar to the one above, but it lacks double slash and the higher restrain chance. You gain Barbarian Frenzy (Meh in PvP, not what I imagined it would be) and Seism (Semi-useful stun utility). Other than that, it’s playstyle is similar to the build above. In the current state of the game, the above build is better, but this build will be better if IMC decides to port over the kToS barbarian buffs (Lower CD’s, 50% slash debuff on cleave, etc).

c) Swordsman C1 -> Peltasta/Swordsman C2 -> Hoplite C2 -> Corsair C2 -> Shinobi

You can drop Swordsman C2 for Peltasta, which guarantees you an easier PvE and levelling experience.

This shinobi build gets a huge damage booster with Spear Lunge from Hoplite C2 (50% pierce debuff). However, it loses out on Restrain, a piece of utility that you use to set up your Hook, and your finishing combo. However, you gain a piece of utility through Longstride. You can hook the enemy from afar, and Longstride onto him (He remains hooked), then combo him to death. This would be better against certain Archer types in PvP, since hooking them from afar does not guarantee you a kill with the aforementioned 2 builds. You’ll also be able to do better in PvE overall in this build, since you’ll be using spears. You can pull off the dream DPS combo; Spear Lunge Debuff, Hexen Dropper, and Bunshin Kunai.

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Swordsman > Peltasta > Swordsman3 > Corsair2 > Doppel

Swords3 for maximum restrain. Your only hope in PvP as a Swordsman is to stunlock people.

Peltasta for +25% HP from Swashbuckling, pretty much. Also makes the class a bit less of a pain to level since you can grab it at rank 2 and have swashbuckling available to make your shitty DPS a bit less shitty.

Corsair because you want to build a Corsair. You have to go C2 for there to be any merit in this choice, your saving grace is the incredible burst Hexen Dropper can do.

Doppel because Doppel is your best bet for proccing maximum stun and DPS with Cyclone and Corsair3 is lackluster.

hmm I see now for pvp would you go with your a build or Sw2>Hopc3>Doppel>Dragoon?

Thats the build i went with. Its a little hard to level until corsair c1 but it provide nice utility and damage. Currently corsair c2 and soon to be doppel, i like it.

I’m currently a c6/c2 corsair. My current build is…
Sm1>Pelt1>Hop2>cors2> dragoon/doppelsoldner

Why? Simple. It’s balanced for both pve and pvp. Everyone wants a pelt, extra silver from jolly is a plus. Corsairs have iron hook and knee hauling into hexane dropper for pvp lock and dmg. Doppel and dragoon has skills to make you semi-relavant in group pvp.

Granted, this build is a jack of all trades but a master at none, but hey, u can nearly have your cake and eat it too. So why not? :slight_smile:

I’d say yes to doppel part and “dunno” to dragoon part. And don’t forget both Cyclone and Pistol Shot are not that good without Restrain.