Tree of Savior Forum

PvP cata-goon build

Hmmm…by the thought of no one is interested or watches it anyway😅

Btw on this build…using lion shield…Can finish uphill without using a single pot or my hp did not get below 90%…that shield is really somethiing😍
I will try solo 290 if got time…

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Tempted to come back, but still waiting for specifics about what kind of gacha iTOS will get!

Is plunger a good pvp weap? or is cripple better >.<
or should i use 1h spear lol idk anymore r8 changed the whole world

I saw a plunger selling for 700k in our server …no one is buying it for weeks haha…plunger is trash…cripple has very low chance of proc…but I think cripple still the best 2 hand spear for pvp aside from 315 weapons…

If your build is of course usees a shield…one hand spear is mandatory…to maximize your build…brandish still the best for both pve and pvp aside from 315 orange …purple is not worth the practonium and also not that good for pve compared to brandish imo…

why Cripple?
meh >.< i see 1 for sale at 8mil lol
atm im just using a catacombs pike lol

Cripple has more raw atk power than cata pike and that +20 str…and of course that 33% to lower stamina by 1…in which I nver experienced yet from someone rushing me with a cripple…but if it procs its pretty OP for cata😆

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What anime is thatt?

MUHAHAHAHAH I wanna flood the forums with these. jk

Just gonna be my fallback reply.

@fatedhour “Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta? (And you thought there is never a girl online?)”

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I got some gameplay footage of this build @ Lv230.

To me it doesn’t matter if noone watches it, I’m just taking snapshots of the build as I progress towards the endgame at my own (slow) pace. Because I have been playing MMOs for so long, I recognize that the journey is basically as or even more fun than the endgame

Edit: oops made the video private. Changed it to public now.

I would be interested in how you solo the lv290 dungeon [gameplay video I mean]. I’ve seen one of the hop3 variety, so seeing our build in action at endgame would be nice.
But you don’t have to do one if you don’t want to lol. No biggie.

You look like your having fun with your cata…and that bgm…the nostalgia again😍

Ok…I will try to create a gameplay vid of 290 run once I run it…So far for me…there is no point yet of running it…I am saving all my silvers for a dream armor of mine😙 that is why I am focus on 240…virtov plate robe and pants are still very indemand selling for 3 to 4m / recipe

Make one for 240 then :stuck_out_tongue:

Ya I’m having a lot of fun with my cata ever since resetting to full dex and reaching dragoon. It feels almost complete (skill wise), but I need dethrone lol.

The reason I think r7 dragoon used to get knocked all the time is because all his skills only hit a few targets once, so for grinding dragoon skills alone are no good (except dethrone <3), but cata skills perfectly complement dragoon skills since they are pretty much all AoE.

I will try😅

You will be a bit frustrated sometimes with dethrone on pve though coz of its knockback specially on mobs😂 if only it also has a disable knockback attribute like ewave😥

if i will to go Sword2> pelt 1 > Catapratch 3 > dragoon 2

hows the stats allocation?

Waaa…worst than gacha update…dethrone special effects became lame…now I cant feel that power whenever I use dethrone anymore…fuking imc…:persevere:

Full dex + red gems now

What happened to dethrone animation?

hmm, green gem not better?

Red gems was just buffed, everyone uses red gems now, especially full dex. U can do red gem, green gem mix if you want but i prefer red for PvP.

U can also get 120+ patk from headgear now.

That laser effect when you use dethrone is removed…now you just throw it and that’s it…just lame effect…like just using bash and hitting something😥