Tree of Savior Forum

PvP Arena - easy way to occupy players

Eventually iToS will get new TBL (I hope!). It’s fine and good, but it’s timed. Well, let it be timed - TBL is a ranked system, afterall.

But how hard is it to make a PvP Arena, that works 24/7?
Just a simple square shaped location, where PvP mode is always on. No friendly fire between party/guild members.
Entrance through NPC in Klaipeda. Do you want to enter a PvP Arena? Yes/No

Just a place, where people can smack each other. Individuals/Guilds/parties can have an all out brawls on this location.
Make 2-3 of them - like it was in we all know what game - so people can still go and fight on other arenas if the main one is occupied by fighting guilds.

Guys, I realise, that iToS just gets patches and updates from kToS. But are you legaly restricted to do nothing except Big Brother tells you or just lazy? Really, it’s a less than an hour coding work to make such an arena. And by making it you will have a lot of people occupied everyday. Also people can actually train out their PvP skills on such arenas. Jeez, PvP arena is a whole culture layer in every MMORPG - arena inhabitants and pvp-lovers have an opportunity to meet each other, communicate and, of course, fight.

Just answer me plz, why can’t you make such an easy and trivial thing?

@STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Amy @GM_Francis


Make Orsha great again… by that I mean make Orsha an Arena town… That should make that place alive again…


I miss this too, me and my friends love to make an arena duel with everyone in pvp, like a death match. but it’s bored always need to request duel for this. XD

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This is a basic thing that should be easy to add and would please a ton of people. It looks like there are plans to have GvG areas on a PVE map but be able to select the GVG version, so why not the same thing for free for all PVP?

No rewards are needed. Just PVP for fun.


C’mon guys, at least answer something.

This is a great idea, easy to implement and really fun for the people who love pvp!

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Just make one existing map (with no quest/event NPCs and mobs) PK-enabled.

Put a goddess warp there wherein people who warps in will be randomly placed somewhere on the map with 3 seconds immunity to avoid getting camped. In that 3s window, they too can only use buffs and cannot attack nor use offensive spells.

If it’s adjacent to other non-PK maps, just add a prompt before entering like “Warning: You are about to enter a PK-enabled map. You may lose gems and sh*t in the process” (non-PK’ing players have the option to use the adjacent maps to continue to other areas). Entering from the outside maps will also allow groups/parties/guilds to enter together without getting randomly scattered throughout the map, different to what warping in through goddess statue does.

3-sec immunity rule still applies. There will be a certain radius around the entry portal inside where AOE/ground-targeted/installation spells can’t be used (no Ice wall or Throw gu pot setups for example), and players will have a 10-second window to move away from it or be auto-warped back outside (trying to get back inside the radius after the 10s window will still auto-warp you out) - all this so that portals can’t be camped both by entering players and those already inside.

Would be fun too see this added (PvP and also training?, why not), but… if happens will it crash? :tired:

TBL next tuesday confirmed. Congratulations.

We’ve been asking for this mode for months, IMC listen to us pls

How about making TBL work 24 hours, but only give rank or points during the current hours?

Well knowing IMC by now… They will probably take this suggestion and implement it next year some time after the release of R9 classes and maybe some re-balancing…

I still would like to hear any comment from the admins.

@raydensorc - queing is such a hassle.


With TBL coming today having such an arena would be awesome.