Tree of Savior Forum

PVE Technique for Wizards

Hello there, I would like to know if anyone has any tips for wizard when doing PVE (Especially elementalist class). Things like:
Do you kill enemies one by one?
Do you gather them first?
What do you do when all your skills are on cooldown?
How many enemies you gather until you cast the spell?
Do you often use auto attack while jumping around?
Basically everything about what is the most optimal technique on PVE.


  1. If AOE/multi-target skills are on CD, yeah.

  2. Yes, more efficient to gather them first.

  3. Gather them around, or normal attack leftover mobs.

  4. A player can only maintain aggro for 5 mobs at a time with Peltastas being an exception. Ele skills like cloud and electrocute have target counts so itโ€™s best to maximize those as much as you can. The trick to maintaining aggro for more than 5 monsters is to drag them as close to the other group as possible, then cast your spell before they try to go back to their patrol position.

  5. Mostly, yeah. Much faster to aggro mobs that way because youโ€™re rooted to the ground every time you attack without jumping. There are skills you can use and/or cast while jumping too.

  6. Just keep practicing. I suggest watching gameplay vids on Youtube and observe players with classes similar to yours in-game.


Jump around and fire auto attack to collect mobs -> cast AoE. Try to cancel skill-after-animation by jumping after casting (especially after buffs and after electrocute). Early game, kill mobs 1 by 1 easily with player buffshop sacrament+blessing auto attacks.

Even the strongest elementalist players I have seen just jump+attack to collect mobs.