Tree of Savior Forum

Pve flash mobs in all areas

Occassionally, large sums of trashmobs should roam areas of the map and maybe even invade cities. They should be very large and overleveled for their areas, so that grinding is more than leashing and dropping aoe on trashmobs, but also includes survival.

All I can see are all the mobs nearby the area grouping up in the center of a town and then start doing some organized dancing for a flash mob. They aren’t trashmobs, they just want to be loved.

Sounds like an interesting idea.

Currently there are groups of mobs that can spawn on you while walking through the map, usually they will instantly aggro and cast their skill (magic atk for magic mobs, multishot for archer types). It can be very dangerous if your under leveled.

But a tougher version could be interesting.

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bump, think this could solve a few small issues with some zones.