Tree of Savior Forum

PVE based Wiz3-Psychokino3-Featherfoot/Warlock

I am planning to make a PVE based Psychokino just for the fact that I love Magneto in X-Men and this is what I came up with.

Edit : Stat division is roughly 50-60 CON and the rest in INT

Wiz1-3 is fairly standard cookie cutter build that everyone and their mom uses. I don’t see any other alternative.

Psychokino1-3 is where it gets confusing, Aside from the four no brainer skills to max, I am aware that Magnetic Force is not useful on bosses but how about grinding/party play? I personally do not see the great use of swap or teleportation so I chose to leave it at one in favour of more points for MF.

Warlock is cool, I am not against picking it if FF eventually ends up not being a good synergy with Kino3 but I personally don’t like playing a hugely overused class and being that the meta for wizard right now always seem to end with Warlock (namely, I’m looking at you, Wiz3-Ele3-Warlock). I picked FF, but have no idea how it would synergize with Kino so I could use some advice on this one.

Let me know your opinions on this one. Thanks.

I would get 1 point in Lethargy, for the Strike attribute. It’ll help out anyone else who has Strike skills, but otherwise, the Wizard portion of the build is fine.

Kino is good too, but I would leave Magnetic Force at 1 cause more levels doesn’t really do anything except increase its already pathetic damage, so just dump those points into either Swap or Teleport. Lv 1 Teleport is actually fine and can let you 100% maps like Royal Mausoleum 4F and Shaton Reservoir. Leveling Swap lets you teleport more enemies, which can sometimes be a good or bad thing. It depends how you want to use it.

I know nothing about FF, so I can’t help you there.

Overall, the build actually can excel at both PvE and PvP just cause you have Kino 3, but I’m not sure if you care about that.

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Wiz 3 is the real overused class.

I would get 1 point in Lethargy, for the Strike attribute. It’ll help out anyone else who has Strike skills, but otherwise, the Wizard portion of the build is fine.

Kino is good too, but I would leave Magnetic Force at 1 cause more levels doesn’t really do anything except increase its already pathetic damage, so just dump those points into either Swap or Teleport. Lv 1 Teleport is actually fine and can let you 100% maps like Royal Mausoleum 4F and Shaton Reservoir. Leveling Swap lets you teleport more enemies, which can sometimes be a good or bad thing. It depends how you want to use it.

I know nothing about FF, so I can’t help you there.

Overall, the build actually can excel at both PvE and PvP just cause you have Kino 3, but I’m not sure if you care about that.

Good at PvP would be a bonus but not my central focus. Either ways thanks a lot, pretty helpful tips.

The reason I pick Wiz3 is for Quick Cast and Surespell mainly. I am aware that Kino is mostly always paired with Cryo but I don’t fancy Cryo and I don’t know what else I can pick from the first 3 ranks that would be a good alternative to Wiz3, hence my decision to just go with Wiz3. I welcome any suggestions though.

I don’t know, I don’t really avoid a class because it’s mainstream. Because mainstream or not will easily be changed depending on buff/nerf (just like how wiz 3 ele 3 is sht tier in icbt2).

Kino 3 is actually a pvp class. Yes, high to full CON Wiz 3 Kino 3 Warlock is probably your best bet, and I can’t think of any other meta build if you are not going cryo 3.

I am completely aware of Kino being more pvp oriented but I just want to see if I can make it work for PVE too since there’s no other job on the wizard tree that interest me more than Kino does. Thanks for the info so far!

So I basically reached Kino1 today and I was wondering if anyone has any reliable ways to make Psychic Pressure remotely useful aside from sleep-pp. The move, while semi-damaging is incredibly hard to use without surespell and even then, it can still be cc-ed and it’s off to a 25 sec CD if it does, and against ranged mobs? Forget it. Telekinesis is fine, but it’s too single target. Suffice to say, it’s pretty hard to solo with it, not sure if I’m doing anything wrong here.

Also, is this really how psychic pressure is supposed to work? Really, by having a magic caster be literally at melee range, stationary and channelling the skill with a high risk of getting interrupted making the user lose a huge chunk of dps? Swordsman at the very least has Pain Barrier to make it work, but this?

It’ll become a bit easier to use at Kino2 since you’ll also be getting a chance to cancel enemies’ skills by stunning them with the stun attribute on, then it’ll be much more usable when you get raise. Without Icewall or immunities from clerics, Kino is a very terrible class for fighting bosses.

I’m Featherfoot and cant really recoment it. The Decay debuff does not double missel attack dmg on enemys like the description says. In fact it “gradually redue enemys max hp” but this reduction is so low that you cant really see it. Bloodbath is single target and only usefull with a linker in your build or party and only deals dmg on those specific monsters in skill description. It deals some nice dmg but yeah single target and only specific monsters… Blood sucking deals great dmg and heal when you got sure spell to fully cast it. but with 1 full cast you spend around 2000 mana which is a huge downside. Pointing is more or less useless it attacks like every 2 seconds with 200 dmg with no way to increase the dmg of the spell ()int got no influence. Naghundi short cd and bad dmg pretty weak compared to wl spells. The very last spell just spreads curse debuff which also needs surespell to be full casted. This spell is only usefull when you got a Bokor in your team which can cast efigy.

I realised this as well, right now as a Wiz2-Kino1, I’m no better off than a Wiz2 when it comes to fighting bosses. Psychic Pressure isn’t effective half the time, Telekinesis, swap and teleport does not work, period. All I can do is auto attack or spam the relatively useless Energy Bolt. Not giving up on this class yet though, I feel that it will become better in future. Thanks.

Shucks. Thanks for the advice, guess I’ll have to pick another job for rank 7 or hope the class balance gets better over time.

It does boost missile damage.