Tree of Savior Forum

Pure PvP warlock

I’d just like to play arena, would be nice to win aswell :stuck_out_tongue:

^ Thing is, the wizzards cast speed buff wont have too many effects that benefits from it, the 50% spell damage, okay i agree its amazing but isnt there stuff thats better to pick up from other classes? We have pretty low cast times with this build anyways.

^Cryo-ele way. Pretty high AoE damage and overall much more Damage Spells than the first build.

First off, i have no experience with pvp from korean server.

Will the freeze work out as good as i think it will or will it be disspelled most of the time?
If you have any suggestions how i should alter the builds to become more succesful, let me know, or just drop other builds for pvp wizards, always open for new ideas.

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I have the feeling you dont go into the aspect that those are builds specifically for arena, you think anyone gives a poop about EB or earthquake? I highly think no. The wizard is there for the C3 and thats about it, damage comes from the other ranks.

And again, i may lose 300% damage ice attack, but all ive read so far is that the damage comes more from the Warlock instead of the cryo. Imo the cryo is for freeing through wall and subzero and tree.

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What you wanna do with those points from EB? Wizard c1 and 2 are just so damn useless that you can throw em away aswell :confused:

Only true if you have no weapon (or your weapon has 0 Matk), your character is level 0 and you have 0 int.

Also IIRC EB has splash, but in PvP no targets will be close enough to utilize it.

[quote=“PrinceMark, post:2, topic:154699”]
useless SPR stats
[/quote]SPR reduces chance to get CCed. So its not completely useless in PvP.

But stat build would still be just pure con right?

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Here is the question, what do you want to use EB and earthquake for? i do not see the point of using them AT ALL

As a filler when all or most of your other skills are on CD or situation is unfavorable for using them. EQ cant qualify as filler but EB can because you can use it on move and mid-jump.

i see, plan is, freeze everyone… run up to them and theurge the living poop out of them, … well its a plan… isnt it?

Plans dont always work flawlessly. Gotta get those plan B/C prepared.

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Well thats why i ask here for more oppinions, esp. form people that maybe know a bit more about endgame pvp than i do. But the PvP topic of wizzards isnt very well covered here. sadly

Wont work with PD or Oracle in enemy team - freeze is rank 1 status effect.

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So with the high amount of PD’s freezing might not be very good?

Chances are with PD or Oracle C2 in enemy ranks enemy team will be immune to your freeze (and many other status effects) for some time.