Tree of Savior Forum

Pure CON Kino3 Cryo3 Sage

Can be…
My HoG +11 is not with transcend, because I only have 2 HoGs and the one with transcend is in PD2. I have 12 characters, I can not afford to put transcend at all.
When the IMC lets us pass the items with transcend through Team Storage I can test this …

But it also depends on your ranking, if you are in the top 20 you get a full solmiki guys with more defense, now if you are back there in the ranking picks up a less equipped people.

You dont really really need solmiki to have decent defense tbh. most of people dont refine their gear, if you look top pvpers the refinements they have are pretty shitty.
A good lolo or 315 armor still gives a lot of defense. (I have 6000+ def with only 1 solmiki piece).