Tree of Savior Forum

Punish disconnect abusers in TBL

More and more people just disconnect in TBL when their team is losing or when their team is composed of noobs.

When they disconnect, they dont lose points so all the top player of TBL use this exploit, they disconnect in order to not lose points.

Maybe put a -50 points when they disconnect ?


lol, and punish legit players that get vga’d or something?

Would be too damning for people who legit VGA, unfortunately. But this has been a thorn in my side too.

edit: They should just lose the damn ranking too, imo. Online or not.

if you vga, you cannot rejoin the match so it is basically like you lost anyway

Ive seen top player like mystically d/c when they are losing 0 - 2
arnono and sei :stuck_out_tongue:

there was this match, the top player in my team d/c right at the start after seeing opposite team composition and our composition (by using F4 adventure journal and refresh spectate, another exploit)
this is d/c in purpose, do you think its fair for players ?

I’d agree, but DCing after loading in is also really common and it takes a long time for a character to look “logged out.”

I got DCed today after Icewall+breakingwheel combo and when I came back I was with 950pts (was my 1st match) idk if it’s a bug but I lost 50 pts.

It is NOT nice to pillory somebody
(Tho, the Name arnono already sounds fishy xD)

Sei won’t ‘‘DC’’ intentionally . His Pride won’t allow it.

BUT: He is using a wooden Laptop from ages ago. He vga /white Screen crashes when there are too many effects (°cough° Icewalls °cough°) in one Place - his shitty Laptop can’t handle it.

I can hear him swear in the next room about Posi-laggs, heavy laggs, Dump coding, Idiots, noobs and himself
(not only while tbl - gvg is the same, WB too, Candy event , heck even dun/saalus)
He also frequently suffer from loadscreen-stuck-error ( The littly vubbe won’ t make it and game never loads T-T)
I hear that deep growl like sigh from the next room - and I know he vga’ed again / Stuck in loadscreen

I always asked why He keeps playing tbl - it`s cancer anyways (not only because of imc coding and the fabulous net-code they have)

Nah He cant take my Computer, I need it for Important stuff - like staying in town and scroll throuh market npc. Watch Youtube or Play games where I dont crash all the time (and my Chara’s Head won’t spinn like a fk fidget spinner) >_>

YES He needs a better Laptop, but no he is not dc’ing his way out of a match (not intentionally at least)

… Good thing I HATE pvp. But even if not: I would be TOO afraid of crashing without fault and peeps thinking I dc’ed my way out and left them alone (only thinking about that makes me feel sick x-x)

Also I have an AMD core - the spinning of my head --like im possed by lucifer himself-- is already making me sick enough (I dont know if I should cry or laugh over this issue WAY back from cbt - good bless zoomy addon it helps)

So yeah - you can’t tell who is “gone” because he/she wanted to and who just had an error and crashed.
So either you punish them all (and also those whos not at fault and on top of getting carshed/Dc (so fk from the game itself) punish them with loosing points, too)
– Or you don’t do anything at all …
imho penalties here are a two-edged sword :confused:
But what do I know - I don’t care fot the lagg/bugg/crashfest that is called tbl °shrug°

Thanks, and have a nice day - and may your TBL match be blessed with no vga errors

in this case tell Sei to stay out of TBL or this will lead me to think that this is seriously trolling.
Nothing against Sei but It’s weird, also i just wanna point out that he does only getting magicaly VGA’s when hes in a looser team.

Don’t worry, I often enough crashed on the winning side when it was 2:0 for my team. Usually caused by too many dmg lines at the same time. Endless freeze, no reaction.

Not only icewalls plus wheel are causing it, ironically R7 as well :stuck_out_tongue: