Tree of Savior Forum

Psychokino: where to go from here?

Hello everyone. I’m in a it of a crossroads with my main character. My goal was always to make a C3 Psychokino… which I have. So, now what? Not quite sure where I should be heading now. I also had plans to make an alchemist; I played Ragnarok Online quite often and my main character was an alchemist. Now that he C3 alchemist is out, which introduces the homunculus mechanic, I wonder if I should try it. So, I have two general ideas to start:

  1. Start the alchemist class all the way until C3
  2. Develop my Cryomancer Class for C2 or C3 and then pick something else in the end (the enchanter class also picked my curiosity…)

So, I came here looking for some opinions. What do you guys think?
Thank you very much!

psychokino eventually is a direction to take for pvp/gvg so you might want to build up on that going for cryo3 or thauma2

alchemist is more of a char for selling stuff ( pots ) and there are better combinations for it to help him farm his mats imo.

They’re probably wanting a kinoalch for the homun combos. I havent gotten my kinoalch to R8 so I can’t help you with how effective that is, sorry!

I would say to go cryo route unless you have a guild that lets you dilgele farm at your leisure. I never got alch for profit reasons (I was intending to make my own guild and etc) and the profits were still somehow disappointing HAHA. Mostly because other alchs on klaipeda for whatever reason wanted to undercut the price of potions down to about half of what it was when I hit r7, and it stayed there despite silver inflation and desaturation (??). I feel like homuns and basically everything else related to player crafting has/will get the same treatment.

Kino + Ice wall looks to be really fun, from what little experience I have working with cryos in missions. But if you miss, the whole one-trick thing is a a little annoying to deal with.

This is the good old token answer but it really does boil down to how you want to play more than anything else. Both things you picked are interesting/good imo, I would actually still go alch if I were you despite everything I just said just because alch is relaxing for me. I’m also a sucker for keeping main character thematics so continuing your alch tradition sounds kind of neat.

Sorry HAHA I didn’t help much if I read back but I hope that does give you some insight on what playing these classes is like.

I saw the Alchemist topic said Homuculus just release in the patch because the last item for crafting just finally has been released.

I think you can do the Alchemist C3. It would be fun, if you have Homuculus. Just showing your Homuculus in the town would give you a hundred of Likes.

And who know, the later rank might have some more skills for Homuculus to use and it might be very good ones.

My first character is cyro1>kino3>alch3
If you don’t have any alchemist & play only pve , Alch3 is a good choice for your character team.

  • POTS!
  • Awaking
  • Gem roasting

Next patch - Kino3 will get [uninterruptible att.] for PP & GP.
But you will pay more sp (+1%).
I still remember my Kino3[before Alch]. It’s SP pot eater nightmare.
It’s cheaper to craft by yourself.

Thanks so much for all your replied.
I think I will indeed continue my proud tradition of being an alchemist. Oh the pain of leveling. XD
Can’t wait to have my own homunculus, though they do look quite expensive… Oh well, nothin changed from Ragnarok Online then. XD