Tree of Savior Forum

Psychokino SKILLS questions need help :)

Hello guys,

Just getting to Psycho2 for my build Wiz3>Psy3 and I am a bit confused about some skills after reading the forums.

1)Magnetic Force: why people dont take this skill or just takes 1 point on it? I mean, at max level it has 1397 attack, while max PP has 893, so why is this considered a bad skill for the class? i think I am missing something, so before taking it I would like some advice. Also, getting just 1 point what does that benefit you? Is it any kind of CC?

  1. Swap: reading the skill description, the more skill points you invest, the more “Targets” you get. But how is this applied to the use of the skill? I mean, the skills changes your position with that of a mob, so I don’t understand why more than 1 target is usefull, you change to one mob and that is all what is the meaning of 2 or more targets here in the skill description? Dont get it

  2. Teleportation: is it really that usefull to spend more than 1 point here instead of using them on Telekinesis for example? At lv1 teleportation you get 110 distance, at lv15 250, is 110 enough or it is so bad that better not even taking teleportation at all?

About your normal day playing, what is the normal combo for this build? I get using Sleep lv15 then PP is good, but what about Raise and Gravity Pole? How are they used with PP or any other damage skills?

thanks for all in advance hope someone helps!

  1. Magnetic force is single hit so you just need 1 point for the cc.

  2. Swap has a small aoe radius so if multiple targets stand close to each other you can swap them all (3-5 points for swap is good enough)

  3. Both teleportation (too randomly) and telekinesis are kinda bad for now but since you still have alot of spare points after maxing other important skills so it doesn’t matter which one you investing on.

Check my vid about psy 3:


So why not getting Magnetic Force up till max if max attack at max level is 1397 while PP max is 893? Why is it so bad that people only get 1 level to get the cc, and even dont level it but level teleportation instead? Something must be really wrong with it that I can’t see, so please could you explain better? thanks

I am considering a build of Wiz > Cryo > Kino > Linker > Kino > Kino > Warlock and was wondering how Linker interacts with Kino skills… do you have any experiences you could share?

Thank you very much :slight_smile:

Magnetic force is 1 hit. PP is 20+ hits. Each doing 893+ dmg.

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Linker won’t go well with Psy since both PP and GP are true Aoe => no benefit from JP.

Magnetic Force is simply far too weak for its cooldown, and with enemies randomly resisting it, it’s ultimately a largely useless skill. At level 5 it has done pretty ok damage for me, but it quickly drops off at higher levels - putting one point in it max is best.

Swap can switch places with an entire group of mobs, but it is largely useless. Unless you have a very coordinated party and are in a high level area, there’s very little reason to use it. I’ll use it to swap things into my Raise though sometimes. Like someone else mentioned, just a few points in it are fine.

Teleportation is absolutely worthless simply because of both its cooldown and inability to move where you want. You could argue that with a lot of points you could get away from some mobs, but thats a pretty weak point to make. One point at the absolute max for this skill as it is currently.

With your build sleep + PP would be pretty nice. Raise is probably the best CC in the game, and gravity pole can be used without the help of other skills given what it does. I like to combo PP with Raise on anything that resists ailments, if you look at the shadows the enemies make you can use that to figure out how to target them properly.

Telekinesis is kind of a double edged sword, it’s amazing CC vs a single target, but leaves you horribly open to getting hit by other mobs. Could stand to be just a little bit stronger as well, but would be great if you could slam targets around 2-3x faster. I’m maxing it, personally.

I’m unsure how or if quickcast works with any of the kino skills though (I’m currently wiz>cryo>psy3 going for alch2), would be curious to find that out for myself.

If you use keyboard mode Tele is good from what I heard, as it tps you in the direction you’re moving with keys.

Its widely reported on this forum that you can control the direction of your teleport by pressing a directional key or button when/before you cast the spell.

It’s a placebo effect, the skill is uncontrollable.

You can definitely control the direction on keyboard layout, but your character has to be in motion for it to work, if you’re snared or running in place (into a wall) the direction is random.

Because magnetic force is broken. Mobs should not be able to move away from the circle/cast area while getting magnetized(vibrating/shaking animation) but mobs just shake for less than 1s and then move away from the circle making magnetic force useless.

Only way you can use it now is if you use raise or if they are frozen.