Tree of Savior Forum

Psychokino + Linker

I was thinking about getting Psychokino C3 and, instead of putting one point in Magnetic Force, using Hangman’s Knot to fill in that gap.

The point isn’t simply this, as I do like Linker’s utility and I want to add to its utility with Psychokino’s CC.

Additionally, I’m getting Wizard C3, and hopefully Linker C3(not in a hurry), so I can share the Quick Cast spell. Thoughts? You think this is viable and have any suggestions?

So far I’m next to getting Psychokino C2, already got Wizard C2.

Not sure if it’s really worth, tbh. Quick Cast doesn’t seem too useful to share since everyone else but you only get the cast reduction and not the attribute.

I honestly think there isnt a reason to go kino c3 if you have linker and wiz 3.

Joint penalty into hangman’s knot and magic missile seem enough.

I can see a pretty good build where wiz 3> link2> kino 3.

it is a rather supportive build that does very good damage to many mobs but you will find yourself lacking when bossing.

So the build is pretty good for grinding parties. JP, hangmans and magic missile have a cooldown of around 24 seconds for the full cycle, during this 24 seconds gravity pole and raise can be good fillers. A very good party player for mobbing.

i suggest grabbing linker and wizard 3 next, just so you can help in dungeons, but the choice is yours.

you think it’s worth getting it for level 15 sleep? it’s been kinda useful and some folks on high level maps said it’s more helpful there than low levels.

seems interesting! I adore Linker but mostly I’m just putting this here because other classes don’t appeal to me(yes, out of thousands of classes, I like maybe 3). I’m really conflicted as to getting Linker for partying or Wizard for soloing as Psychokino is a ■■■■■■■ pain. Thanks though! :^D

if you go wiz3>linker 2 first then soloing is quite easy at level 200+ content if you have good armor. which means you might not even notice much difficulty leveling your kino till c3.

The fact that you have linker 2 will make you great for partying and when you have wiz 3, you are good for party and soloing, just use Joint Penalty>Hangman’s>Magic missile to clear out groups of enemies instantly, even if they have over 120k hp.

After that you can go psychokino 3 till rank 8 if you want so your build will have more CC and be very good for party play and soloing. Just note that your build will not be very good in bossing.

Do note that your build is not going to be very good for the future because at rank 8 you get kino 3, which means rank 9 and 10 are going to be a problem.

There is also no harm in putting 1 point in magnetic force. You are spoilt for points really, 15 pressure, 15 telekinesis, 5 gravity pole, 5 raise, which means 5 points for the last 3 skills.

Dont waste a single skill point on Magnetic Force, most useless skill ingame, specially in PvP. Go full Swap-Teleport-Telekinesis lvl15, be hardcore. Take Reflect shield, lethargy and earthquake 15, other skills dont do much.
As of linker - get maxed Physical Link, Spiritual chain, Unbind and Hangman Knot. Dont need to level Joint Penalty, it is a noob casual skill, you can just buy skill scrolls of it from the market(5k for lvl2 scroll). Your task is spamming Physical Link on your pet and any archer/low hp wiz, and go tank bosses and mines.
When you do Siluai Mission dont forget to use Telekinesis on the first barricade and throw it different directions, so your team can not hit it.
Swap is also good against bosses, so you can swap them out of your party’s aoe, and then use Teleport to drop agro.


I dont know why but this is pretty funny lol

no joint penalty.

look I really can’t believe you’re recommending this and level 15 earthquake or reflect shield, because both of them scale pretty badly? I’m so confused.

Not sure if trolling?
Imagine a topic saying “I make a cleric without heal and safety zone, dont want to put 1 point into this useless skill when deprotected zone is much better and I gonna kill everyone with my sword”. Or like “I make a cata3 build but I will not use mount because they are not cute and cost 200k silver.” Or “I make an archer and will not use ranged weapon at all, and kill everyone with arde dagger because it has AoE”… and so on and so on. You feel something wrong with this?
Magnetic Force is the only reliable skill wizard has in PvP now among every rank(maybe missile hole is smth against archers, but they will just wait it to go off). Even Raise is not that usefull and reliable. Hanging knot works very very very bad in PvP, so I think you just need to go and see what you can do in TBL as soon as possible.


ok I understand your point, but I had no intention of playing PvP actually. I think I’ll put a point into it anyway but it’s just not what I intended.

In PvE, actually, Magnetic Force paralyzes all monsters for like 1 minute or even more. They just stand and do nothing after MF is over. You can hit then, do anything, they are paralyzed. There is no point, though, to level in above lvl1.

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