Tree of Savior Forum

Psychokino focus attributes


I read in those Attributes describtions :

(Same for Gravity pole)

BUT, for both of them, when I get hit either at the start of the skill or anytime during the skill, The skill is stopped and I stand in middle of monsters.

Is there anything I did not understand about those Attributes or things that I did not see?

For now I was just really excited to finally reach C3 so I would not be canceled anymore aaaaand… I’m quite disappointed.

Thanks for reading and potential answers, cheers !

Maybe the attribute is bugged?
I have it and it works as written, if the enemy knock you out of position or CC you, you stop casting too
as happens with all skills

After the last patch, they’ve implemented a new bug which causes the attributes which can be turned off, sometimes in some maps or channels stop working. So, make a video and submit a ticket.

It appears to not be happening always.
Mostly when I receive normal attacks from higher level monsters (red and yellow names).
Of course CC stops the casting, which is normal.

If the attack inflicts a slight knockback, you will still get canceled. Pushes are also CC. Use gazing golem cards.