Tree of Savior Forum

Psychokino...are there anyway to counter them?

I just happen to witness a high level fight club today and like…seriously psychokino is way too strong, especially the 2 guys with cryo3-kino3 and wiz3-kino3 builds.

-Unlike Cryo which can be nullified by dispeller scroll/blood letting, most of psy cc are irresistable and almost instant animation so its really really hard to avoid it.

  • With ranged opponents like wiz/archer they use Gravity pole which deal crazy dmg + irresistable cc with riddiculous range.
  • if a melee try to get close they’ll lift him to the sky for fcking 10s and there are no way to resist it.
  • If a cleric try to turtle inside safetyzone, they can just easily swap him out it and trap him inside Raise (+ pole of agony).

So…anyone know how’s psychokini perform in ktos ? i really want to learn some good ways to defeat them…

Their weakness is 5v5 focusfire.

& Reversi.

From experience:
Good clerics will fade your Raise, safety zone your pole and beat you when you have no cool downs, VS a kino it becomes a very reactive/predictive game, if he wastes a spell, thats HUGE cool down.

I also fought a druid/PD, they blood letting themselves to block my freeze from sub zero and then mind control onto aoe = gg ._.

I hope you mean in a group fight, because some builds are not meant to have a fair fight against every other build :wink:

But yea, just as OP as PD CC inmunity.

A good kino will drop a raise, swap while the cleric is inside safety zone(while inside the raise) then pole the fk out of the cleric. but yeah the counters are cooldowns.

Are you on Fedimian? If yes, can you say me where is that fighting club?)) Want to join

this makes me proud to have druid in my build, if i can get to rank 6 fast enough

a good cleric doesnt saftey zone and stand still… as I said the cleric has to be reactive, they would only drop saftey zone if they saw the pole animation, which is quite noticeable.

And if a kino drops a raise randomly, you just run the other way, its quite hard to aim swap due to its animation as well, if they fail swap then thats raise on CD.

Too risky, as a kino i would never do that randomly.

Ohh…learned many good things from this topic as a total pvp noob kino :slight_smile:
@batcat yesterday was fun :smile:

ya xD Anytime you want a duel hit me up :3