Tree of Savior Forum

Psychokino 3 Build Help

So I saw a video of a person showcasing Psychokino 3 skills and to me it seemed like Psychokino was a fair mix of DPS and CC. Not nearly as good as Cryo at CC and not nearly as good as the Wiz 3 > Ele 3 at the aoe dps. But, certainly a lot like stronger than Cryo 3 on it’s on and with pretty decent CC at 3rd rank. I had previous made a Cryo > Kino before and I hated it. PP never worked and positioning the wall was a chore and had a long cooldown. I then realized that Surecast from the Wiz 2 would let me more comfortably use PP by itself which has a much shorter duration than the PP + Icewall combo. These were my initial impressions going in.

I am currently at Wiz > Wiz > Kino > Kino and I LOVE it. Surecast was a great addition to my repertoire in being able to use such a strong attack in PP at every 25 cd (when going solo) or 31 cd when in a party or in pvp. I like it so much more than Wiz > Cryo > Kino and I don’t miss the PP + Icewall combo. Currently my rotation is Magnetic Force > Surecast > PP (or Sleep > PP if the mob is known to cancel my PP midcast for some reason) > Auto-attack Agro > Sleep (or not if I used it earlier) > Energybolt > Repeat. The Energybolt + Sleep combo is getting pretty weak compared to my PP rotation which is insane.

AND NOW TO THE POINT. SORRY FOR RAMBLING, BUT I AM ENJOYING MYSELF. I need help with knowing where to pick up when I get R 6. I need something stronger to replace the Energybolt + Sleep rotation and something to work with the Psychokino CC.

Options that I previously looked into:

Wiz 2 > Kino 3 > Wiz 3 > Warlock
I would gain a more reliable and hassle-free SC, the damage boost from Quickcast, and replace energybolt with magic missle. I would have a steady rotation of Kino skills into MMissle and I would have those wickedly powerful Warlock skills.

But this path seems boring to me. Everyone goes Wiz 3 > Warlock and having to pick Wiz 3 as a 6th rank class seems very lackluster.

Wiz 2 > Kino 3 > Necromancer 2

This build interests me a lot more, but has more problems. The idea here was to pick a summoning class like Cryo 3 players sometimes pick to attack for them during their CC work and to tank a little for them. As a class that finishes it’s progression by at R 5, Necromancer makes a little bit more sense than Sorcerer which starts at R 5 and also needs two ranks to become good. Additionally they have access to Flesh Cannon and Flesh Hoop. Flesh Cannon gives insane damage too and has a relatively moderate cd so it could easily replace energybolt in my rotation. Flesh Hoop seemed like a nice tech since currently PP involves me needing to get really close to the mobs.

My concerns though are all the complaints about the class being crap with the corpse costs getting “expensive” and the summoning ai being dumb. I was also concerned that the summons may draw agro from a central point in which I can mow them down. And I just couldn’t come up with a concise build as I have no experience with the Necro class and there aren’t any solid guides on it. And I want everything ;.;

Advice or comments would be very much appreciated and I look forward to feedback. Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

There is no need to do depth though on an actual build. Your build is not the meta changer but it will be fine. You just have to think about you like it or not. You don’t mention about PvP at all, so what do you worry about?

The AIs in this game are not that bad but you need to work around some issues.

About some bad classes, you should pick the one you like because there will be balance changes. So stick to your pickห and don’t worry too much.

Surecast is great but Knock Down and other status effect will stop your PP. Since PP will be your main DPS skill, it will make the fighting with some bosses a pain. Thinking about it, there is no point in taking Surecast if you will break your cast yourself to dodge some AOE or KD effects. Sure your build would be great to deal with mobs, but i think Surecast does not bring the better sinergy with the nature of the Meele PP.

I’ve got the same problem as you- I’m Wiz2 Kino3 right now and struggled for a long time deciding on R6/R7. Here are some of your options:

Wiz3 Kino3 Warlock - aka the meta build. Gives you DPS on top of your CC, and covers Kino’s main weakness which is fighting bosses.

Wiz3 Kino3 Runecaster - All your circles are complete at R7. This is basically just stalling until R8-10 come out. Rune of Protection really adds to your PVP arsenal, but I think other builds do it better (e.g. Wiz3 Linker3 RuneCaster)

Wiz2 Kino3 Linker FF - You’ve already got Surespell, why not put it to good use by adding in Blood Sucking? Great PVE build, but the problem is you’ll always have an issue with SP. Kino skills take up a % of your SP, while Featherfoot use a (large) flat amount- there’s no way to itemize in your favor. If you don’t mind chugging pots, this is a really cool build!

Wiz2 Kino3 Linker Warlock - A variation on the Featherfoot build. Joint Penalty + Pole of Agony is deadly, especially when you can trap people in Raise before that happens. This build would be awesome if you could add Wiz3, but sadly you can’t- you’ll have to wait until a later rank for that.

Wiz2/3 Kino3 Cryo1/2 - You’ve already rejected it, but this is an option.

Wiz2 Kino3 Thaum2 - Adds power to Gravity Pole / PP via Swell Arms and gives you party buffs as well as Reversi. However your spell rotation is weak- you still rely on PP and Pole as your main damage, and your R6/7 classes don’t contribute to that at all

Wiz2 Kino3 Necro2 - As you said. This build desperately wants QuickCast though- other builds do Necro2 better (e.g. Wiz3 Linker2 Necro2)

And finally, there’s the build I’m doing which is a little bit crazy-
Wiz3 Kino3 Linker. Gives you access to Magic Missile + Joint Penalty to give you a source of damage that isn’t PP/Pole, and more important, gives you another way to group enemies together (Hangman’s Knot) that’s better than Magnetic Force. The point of the build is to group as many enemies as you can to prep them for Pole / Raise / PP, or to have them linked while they’re CC’d so that your teammates can rip them apart. It’s much more of a PVP build, but it’s my favorite option of the ones I’ve listed.

Long story short: I’ve put a LOT of thought into this, and there are really no build that “just work” when you go Wiz2 Kino3, except Wiz3 Kino3 Lock and Wiz3 Kino3 RC. It’ll be super powerful when R8 comes out giving us a bit more flexibility, but until then we have to get creative.

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