Tree of Savior Forum

PSA: Event is once per account daily, not character

Just a quick memo to all. Do the daily scavenging event on the character you want the reward on. You can only get the reward on one character per day (team limitation). Not sure if intended, just tested. Event takes a couple minutes to do. Go to the map, run around the area until it gives you a prompt to interact with something (automatic, by proximity).

If you’re having issues with interacting the Event Notice Board, switch to keyboard mode.

Settlement Support Potion gives 2 move speed, 50 magic attack, and 50 physical attack for 30 minutes. It’s actually really good. It is untradeable.


thanks fam, you the real mvp.

I wonder, are the rewards day-specfic?

I mean, for instance I wasn’t able to do the challenge for the 2nd to 13th day but I did for the last day, will I still get the Title: Shady Geologist + Special Reward (reward on the 14th day) or the EXP Tome x1 (reward on the 2nd day) since it’s only my second time to do the scavenge challenge.

Enlighten us. :upside_down:

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It would be hard to enlighten you about anything until another day pass you know.

Yes of course, if by that, you mean us players. Was hoping for answers from the staff.

Hello @whatmakesaman,

You would receive the EXP Tome x 1 as it would count as your 2nd day of completing the event quest. The quests are also once per account as @Veritas has mentioned. You may also want to check our FAQ to check some extra facts regarding the event.

Hope that clears things up a bit. :slight_smile:


Hey, thanks for clearing that up real quick. :+1:

Everyone, don’t miss a single day! :money_mouth:

I couldn’t find this in the FAQ but is the award tracking account wide? As in If if I do the scavenger hunt day 1 on a main character and then do the scavenger hunt on an alt character day 2, would I get a Day 1 reward or Day 2 reward? Basically I’m asking, can you switch characters throughout the event or are you locked into doing the scavenger hunt on the first character you complete it on?

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Hello @Barry,

You would receive the Day 2 reward in the example that you’ve provided as event quest completion is tracked across the account.

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Thanks for the answer!

are any of the rewards transferable via team storage?

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Just use the keyboard interact hotkey instead. I stopped using mouse mode ages ago because of random annoying stuff like that throughout the game. Although I use a controller and not keyboard.

  1. Open your ToS steam installation folder

  2. Find these two files: hotkey_mousemode.xml and hotkey_mousemode_user.xml (if it exists)

  3. Add a new line at the end:

[note that Key=“E” is whatever you want they key to be, feel free to use anything]
if both files exist, adding the new line to them will affect both
"default" and your customized key settings for mouse mode. Editing only
the mousemodeuser should only affect the custom settings, but not the default ones]_

  1. Save

There, now you have a key in Mouse Mode that doubles as the “Space” key in Keyboard mode

tuto by Xenobius_2

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