Tree of Savior Forum

Protect yourself and everyone against phishers

Please take some time to leave a rating using Website of Trust. You don’t need to register, you only need to leave a rating. You can also install the extension that will block you from visiting the site.

Optional: Report phishing sites to google.

If you feel you are infected or your data is not secure: + Free anti-virus

Protect your passwords:

Image courtesy of @Arec ! Spread it!


Honestly, theres already a thread about this and tosbase being hacked, why are you people creating more threads about it? Try to consolidate everything in one place to keep the forum clean.


well I can’t delete this post so I’ll leave it up.

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Actually, can’t you flag your own topic with “Something Else” and type in “Please delete my post”? I’m not even sure this works since I haven’t done this myself but it states here in this post in 4. Deleting Post and Account about this .-. BE OUR GUINEA PIG

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he is trying to warn people. if he wants to help out by creating his own warning who cares. dang man, why do you gotta criticize him for trying to help. go become a mod or sth then you can be a busy body and get paid for it.

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Theres already 4 or 5 of those topics, imagine if everyone that received the email post 1 thread just to warn this? Would it hurt to look in the News tab to see if someone already didnt posted it?

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And btw, free antivirus is better than nothing but won’t do you much good. Also, if your computer is infected the only thing you should do is format your computer and then get proper defenses.

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dont use the “imagine if everyone” slippery slope crap. communists use that justification. imagine if 200 million citizens stole a piece of wood from a wooden fence to have fire for their family. it would be chaos, so we have to execute our citizens for even stealing a piece of wood. thats their excuse for executing people for petty crimes. (example from Dr. Zhivago).

so dont use the slippery slope theory, these are gaming forums not “my view on forum rules”. the dude was trying to warn us, why not back off or ignore his thread.

ok ill use your logic. Imagine if everyone replied not with actual content about gaming but with their opinion on forum etiquette like you just did! this forum would be 100% about forum rules and etiquette! would it not hurt to just ignore him?


The funny thing is, you are making a storm in a teacup about all this, honestly, now back at you, just ignore what i said, i talked to the OP. he answered without a problem, different from you with your drama and communisty and capitalist crap which i dont give a penny.

Last post from me on this thread, good luck on your drama, you should work on as an artist on the theatre.

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Preferably I’d rather have 4 posts saying “Don’t do this” Or “This happened here.” Than having one post, so I don’t easily skim over the warning.

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yeah right back at you. i’ll ignore you from you from now on too. different from your drama about trying to tell people not to create threads. its a forum, get over it. people create threads about the ToS, he created a thread about tos, no need to tell him not to do that just cuz you dont like seeing his thread.

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If you two lovebirds are still going on over petty things, take it on PM. No one really wanted to see your love affairs here.

Phishing is the least of my worries, mostly you can just check the URL and compare it to the original ones. Usually the clones have misspelled url, different .com, unusual long url instead of the shorter ones, request to install java, and so on. Of course, most people would noticed this but to those who doesn’t will always fell for it, usually the newcomers.

A little side plus note, don’t always giving out your emails to public because there are a lot of ways to hijack it. One is which, apparently, there’s a loophole within the email system that let you grab hold any emails that you desire without even putting the password in.


I stopped taking it to PMs years ago. Years ago yes, going to PMs was the best route. Though with current forum culture, as soon as you go to PMs people can and will claim harassment for PMs. I’ve been posting on forums for years and seens lots of changes in forum culture. never fire the first salvo anymore tho.

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yep my point exactly, i dont skim this site too often nowadays, and his was the only thread I saw on the topic in my brief time on this forum. so i appreciate the OP!


Leave the re-post police be, they don’t get it.


You called? :sunglasses:

But seriously, who has the time to make all of these websites n stuff? I’m sure it should take a fairly long time considering each thing this person makes has 100+ followers and the youtube vid had like 1000 likes .-.


For some reason I read the title as

“Protect yourself and everyone against Hipsters”


thanks for the information :smile: